Resources Grateful Words: The eucharistic prayer is the table grace of the people of God By Stanley R. Hall
Resources Different Flavors for Different Seasons: Six service plans for celebrating the Lord's Supper throughout the Church Year By Carol Vriend Petter , Jack Roeda
Resources A Journey with Worshiping Communities Around the World: Prayers and songs for World Communion Sunday By John D. Witvliet
Perspectives Lift Up Your Hearts...and Voices: Involving the congregation in the Communion liturgy through song By Douglas De Vries
Perspectives Adding a Leaf to the Table: In defense of inviting children to the Lord's Supper By Timothy J. Mulder
Perspectives Too Spiritual for Our Own Good: Why we fail to see God acting in the sacraments By Leonard J. Vander Zee
Songs for the Season Gather Us In; Taste and See; Holy, Holy, Holy Lord; Holy Is the Lord; Go, My Children, with My Blessing; Hallelujah, We Sing Your Praises By Emily R. Brink
Editorial "Do This in Remembrance of Me": Introducing a theme issue on the Lord's Supper By Emily R. Brink
Perspectives Should Seekers Be Invited to the Table? A pastor struggles with hard questions By Tony Maan