Reviews Book: Liturgy, Justice and the Reign of God: Integrating Vision and Practice By Harry Boonstra
Perspectives Out of Africa: What North Americans can learn about celebration in worship By Stephen K. Githumbi
Perspectives Inner-City Pentecost, c 1992: Bridging the gap between congregation and neighborhood. By Mark D. Vermaire
Perspectives Inviting the Stranger in: Including the "outsider" in the "insiders" fellowship By Wilbur Washington
Resources The Personality of Worship: Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to understand worship preferences By Tom Schwanda
Perspectives The Chief Singer: Reviving the title of "cantor" to describe what a church musician really does By Paul Westermeyer
Perspectives What We Sing is Not What He Wrote: Evolution of "God of the prophets" By James Hart Brumm
Resources Crown Him With Many Crowns: A festive service celebrating our Lord's ascension. By Karen DeMol
Reviews Book: Singing the Lord's Song: A History of the English Language Hymnals of the By Emily R. Brink