Resources Whistling in the Dark A four-part series based on Philippians 2 By Matthew Heard , Randy Umfleet
View from the Pew The Business of the Sign: How far would Calvary Church go to sell the gospel? By James Calvin Schaap
Perspectives The Albatross Takes Flight: On the completion of the Psalter Hymnal Handbook By Emily R. Brink
Resources Crown Him with Many Crowns: An ecumenical service for Ascension Day By Winston Robinson , Mark Verbruggen
Perspectives Welcome, New Companion: Bert Polman talks about the new <em>Psalter Hymnal Handbook</em> By Bert Polman
Songs for the Season O Worship the King; Spirit of the Living God; Father in Heaven By Emily R. Brink
Editorial Guess Who's Coming to Worship? Moving toward the great Day of surprise and delight By Emily R. Brink