Resources Worthy is the Lamb! An Ascension Service with Dramatic Readings from Revelation 1, 4, and 5 By Thomas J. Vos
Resources From Advent to Alleluia: Two options for walking through the church year in one service By Jean De Vries
View from the Pew Madelyn Ringler's Fiery Exit: Why two hundred Bic lighters never made it to our Pentecost service By James Calvin Schaap
Resources The Rhythm of Community: Enliven your worship with music from the African church By C. Michael Hawn
Reviews Book: The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church By Tom Schwanda
Songs for the Season Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise; O Sing to the Lord; Like the Murmur of the Dove's Song; Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading By Annetta Vander Lugt
Perspectives Different Strokes: 7 reasons your church should consider adding another worship service By Charles Arn
Editorial "The Lord Be with You...": Learning the language of faith in a society of niches By Emily R. Brink
Resources Reinventing the Youth Service: Discipling young people in a way that benefits the whole congregation By Mary Sytsma , Jane Tiemersma Vogel
Perspectives Trinity Matters: The Trinity needs to be named regularly in our worhip By Diane J. Strickland