
Copy Right! Approved

Congratulations on Emily Brink's fine article "Copy Right!" (RW18). You did indeed get it right. Such articles are most helpful to those of us in the industry who are involved in this continuing educational problem.

Also please thank Ronald Wells for his interesting article on Thomas Cran-mer in that same issue.

George H. Shorney, President
Hope Publishing Company
Carol Stream, IL 60188

Wren's Hymn Unorthodox

We wish to express our appreciation for Reformed Worship. We find it to be an extremely helpful and educational publication. It has been, and is, a great service to our committee.

We also express our concern over the inclusion of the hymn "Bring Many Names" by Brian Wren in the September, 1990 (RW 17) issue. We find that this hymn, while addressing a theological issue, is not suitable for worship.

Mr. Wren implies in the author's notes that a hymn reflects a certain theology, and we agree with him. Scripture uses various figures of speech to help people better understand their relationship to God, but at the same time God is revealed only as God: Creator, Redeemer, and Father. We find it both improper and unorthodox to use in worship anything that confuses the way God has revealed himself to us through Scripture and which is supported by our ecumenical creeds.

We appreciate other works by Mr. Wren (PsH 311, 369, 413, and 437), yet we find this particular work unfortunate.

We encourage the staff of Reformed Worship in the necessary service you provide to the church community in worship education. May you continue to promote a truly Christian and Reformed understanding of worship.

Piet Herrema
for the Worship Committee
Neerlandia CRC
Neerlandia, AB

Needs an Index

I appreciate Reformed Worship so much. We use it quite a bit. Why don't you put a cumulative index in the last issue each year?

Rita Jordan
Somerville, New Jersey

[Editor's note: A cumulative index to RW is available for $3.00 US/$3.60 CDN. We update this index after each issue ofRW.]

Labor Day Sunday?

I continue to appreciate and value each issue of Reformed Worship. It's great to have some solid material to fuel my creativity, and I thank you, and each contributor, for your willingness to share ideas in the tremendously important area of worship. I'd also like to tell you about a special service that we at Good Shepherd celebrated recently.

Labor Day Sunday is not one of the dates on the liturgical calendar. In fact, it is quite obvious from the pattern of worship at our church that this date is not even associated with church attendance or celebration. Each year our Labor Day Sunday worshipers fit into one of two categories: persons who have stayed in town and feel they're missing out on their last summer weekend chance for fun; and persons who are visiting our church and have very little acquaintance with our church fellowship. Thus, this service is one that is often characterized by less than vibrant and personal worship.

This past year we decided to add a little "zip" to this end-of-the-summer service, giving those who stay in town something to tell those who left town, and giving our visitors a chance to see that we are a group that enjoys being together. I asked four members to read a passage from God's Word that deals with "work," and I asked them to wear simple "costumes," representative of their work, to church that Sunday.

At the designated time in the service I announced that we would hear God's Word about work. When the four came forward dressed in their "costumes," I introduced each of them and announced the passages they would read:

— Our first reader was a carpenter, wearing a tool belt, loaded with tools. He read Psalm 127:1-2.

— Our second reader was a store clerk, wearing an apron from that store. He read Ecclesiastes 2:24-25.

— Our third reader was a full-time stay-at-home mother, wearing a kitchen apron. She read Isaiah 55:12.

— Our fourth and final reader was an office manager, carrying a pile of computer paper which was dramatically strewn on the floor when she was introduced. She read 1 Corinthians 15:58.

After the readings, we sang an appropriate hymn followed by a morning prayer that dealt with the issues of work, the economy, and labor relations. I chose to present a message that dealt with our work, although this certainly wasn't required to make the "workers' litany" an appropriate part of our service.

I was pleased to see how many fitting hymns were available in our hymnbook. The following were just a few among many I might have chosen: "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" rings out in the third stanza with the reminder that it is the Lord who will "prosper your work and defend you" [PsH 253]. "Seek Ye First" provides a good general reminder about our priorities as we go about our daily duties [PsH 209].

Our Labor Day service was memorable, enjoyable, and also edifying. And it gave us the opportunity to discover more about the "weekday" lifes of four of our members. Since everyone—both child and adult—performs some task, the possiblities for variation in future services are nearly endless.

I believe we might have started a new tradition!

Pastor David Koll
Good Shepherd CRC, Hushing, MI

Reformed Worship 20 © June 1991, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.