Renew Your Subscription/Membership

Need to renew your subscription or membership?

Login to your account using one of these two options:

  1. Your username and password
  2. Your zip/postal code and renewal code found on your print issue if you are a subscriber

Forgot your password? Use one of these two options:

  1. If we have an email on file for you, you may enter your email and then click “forgot password”.  At that time you will be sent an email with further instructions.  When doing this you will also be able to set up a new password that is specific only to your account, making it very easy to login in the future.
  2. Use your zip/postal code and renewal code found on your print issue (RW 121 or later).

Login to My Account »


If need additional assistance, please feel free to call us at 616-526-6088 or email We'll be happy to help.