Everyday Church-Iglesia Cotidiana

Lee Street’s church building is nestled in the middle of a wonderfully diverse neighborhood, a mission field that is both obvious and natural for community engagement. But where is Lee Street Church, really? While preparing a sermon series to kick off our fall ministries, we read the book Everyday Church: Gospel Communities on Mission, by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis (Crossway, 2012). The themes of “missional community” and “connecting faith and work” emerged strongly at the forefront of our planning. Lee Street Church is a community on mission, one that is not limited to a campus. Lee Street goes to various workplaces and schools on Monday morning. It heads to the grocery store on Wednesday to make food for a sick friend. It takes walks around the block and notices the house whose owner needs help raking leaves. It meets at Marquette Park and plays soccer with whoever is there on Sunday night. Lee Street Church is continually in the process of growing as a disciple-making community of faith. And it’s our communal time together on Sunday morning that prepares us to join God’s mission in the world during the week, wherever he happens to call us individually on any given day.

There was a lot that needed to be packed into many of our services. Though this series could be adapted to any time of year, for us it began in September. Here is the series outline:

Week 1: Life and Church at the Margins—also 9/11 lament, commissioning of leaders and teachers of youth ministries

Week 2: Everyday Community—map/mark where you live

Week 3: Everyday Mission—map/mark where you work, commissioning for workplaces (which for some may be the home), baptism

Week 4: Everyday Evangelism—World Communion Sunday, Lord’s Supper

Week 5: Hope at the Margins—welcoming new pastors of Lee Street en Español

Week 6: Everyday Testimonies—missionary report, testimonies from two people about how God worked in their daily lives

Week One

Life and Church at the Margins

Gathering & Praise


Welcome and Prayer

Call to Worship: Revelation 15:4

*Opening Songs

“Santo, Santo, Santo” (3x, English 1, Spanish 2) LUYH 595

“Hosanna (Praise Is Rising)” (Paul Baloche and Brenton Brown, 2006)


Confession & Renewal

This service originally occurred on the anniversary of 9/11, and the following instructions were given to the person preparing for prayer. The questions are good ones to ask every time we lead a congregation in prayer and lament.

  • How can we pray honestly, in ways that express our doubts and fears as well as our faith, hope, and love?
  • How do we pray as a community of people from many tribes and languages and countries with our vast experiences of tragedy and hope?
  • How can we pray in ways that acknowledge that, while evil is powerful, it is not final?

At the conclusion to the prayer of lament, a saxophone with piano accompaniment began playing “This is My Father’s World” while the lyrics were projected with appropriate images taken from the news over the last year. This was followed by the Lord’s Prayer and included times of silence.


Offering/Song: “Seek Ye First” LUYH 899, PH 333, PsH 209, WR 349

God’s Word

Praying for the Power of the Holy Spirit

Lord, we pray this morning for the power of your Spirit to work mightily in our lives.

As we read your holy Word and hear a message from it, give (name) the words you want (him/her) to say that reflect the teachings of your holy Word.

Give all of us, your church, open hearts and minds to hear your ancient words.

Reveal knowledge to us, and touch our hearts to respond to you with love and joy.

Prepare us for what you have in store for our lives. We lay them before you.

Through Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 1:1–12

Message: “Life and Church at the Margins”

Theme: The Christian gospel that once was at the center of our culture has moved to the margins. Peter calls us “God’s elect, strangers in the world, scattered throughout . . . ” (NIV 1978). Not so long ago Christians could not identify with the “strangers” or “scattered” part of this description because we made up the predominant culture: Christian. Not so today. In v. 6 Peter says, “In this (all the blessings of being in Christ) you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials” (NIV 1978). Christianity and culture have made a dramatic turn. What is a church to do? How are church people to confront the cultural change we are facing?

Response to God’s Word

*Song: “Hear the Call of the Kingdom” (Keith Getty and Stuart Townend, 2006)

Commissioning: Leaders and Teachers of Youth Ministries



*Song: “My Friends, May You Grow in Grace” LUYH 938, SNC 288


*Please rise in body or in spirit.

Commissioning: Teachers and Leaders of Youth Ministries

Today we celebrate how God calls his people and how his people respond in order to grow and strengthen his church. In Ephesians 4 we read how God has given each of us gifts with which to serve the church and the world.

“It was Jesus who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (NIV 1978).

Ask all those who have finished as leaders the past year to stand.

We are grateful for your faithful service and your love and care for God’s children. Praise God for His work in and through you! They may be seated.

Ask all former leaders/teachers to stand.

These folks who have served in youth ministries over the years are a testimony of God’s faithful provision, how he works through his church. Praise God for his work in and through you! They may be seated.

Ask those who will teach/lead this year to come forward and face the congregation.

God touched your heart to lead and teach youth. You are charged to represent the gospel of God with gentleness and insight as the Spirit guides you in your words and in your witness with us.

Through your ministry, faith in Jesus will be nurtured and deepened. We look to you to equip our youth to live the truth of Jesus Christ in community, family, school, workplace, and world.

As a testimony to your commitment we ask that you respond to the following questions:

  1. Do you promise to point your students to Jesus Christ and to teach the truths of God’s revelation in Scripture?
  2. Do you promise to teach and live in such a way that you are an example to those who learn?
  3. Do you promise that you will pray for your students, encourage them to grow in faith and godliness, and to carry out your work with authenticity and joy, patience and courage, trust and love?
  4. Do you promise to live in close fellowship with the Lord and rely on the Holy Spirit to help you in this wonderful work?

Leaders and teachers: We do, God helping us.

Ask post-high school members of the congregation to stand.

These teachers and leaders have a vital role in the nurturing of faith in youth. Yet they cannot and should not do it alone. As the church, we partner together in “instructing our children in Christian faith and leading by example to be Christ’s disciples.” Do you, therefore, promise to support your teachers and leaders, to pray for them, to give them encouragement, and to show interest, compassion, and love for them in their work?

Members: We do, God helping us.

They may be seated.

Ask the children and youth to stand.

You are a very important part of our congregation. You are precious. Jesus loves you. Your church loves you, and we desire for you to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Your teachers and leaders have made a commitment to you, and we would like to ask you also to make a commitment and respond to the following questions:

Do you promise to engage with your heart and mind as you explore with your teachers God’s world and his incredible love for you?

Do you promise to show kindness and respect for your leaders and classmates?

Students: We do, God helping us.

Invite the students and teachers to gather in the center of the church or wherever it works best logistically. Then invite the rest of the congregation to form a circle around them and to lay hands on them in blessing. Then have someone lead the congregation in a prayer of blessing.

Week Two

Everyday Community

Gathering & Praise


Welcome and Prayer

Call to Worship: Revelation 5:4

*Opening Songs

“Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty” (st. 1, 3, 4, last stanza a cappella) LUYH 538, PH 138, PsH 249, SWM 28, TH 100, WR 136

“Cornerstone” (chorus/Spanish lyrics) (Hillsong Worship, 2012)


Confession & Renewal

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession

Assurance of Pardon


*Song of Thanksgiving

Prayers of the People


Children’s worship invitation

God’s Word

Praying for the Power of the Holy Spirit

Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 1:1–12

Message: “Everyday Community”

Theme: Peter does not present a complex model of how we should adapt to this post-Christian context we live in. Instead he describes the new identity of his readers and how they are to engage each other and their neighbors by “loving one another from the heart.”

Response to God’s Word


“Refiner’s Fire” WR 374

“Build Your Kingdom Here” (Rend Collective, 2012)

During the singing an invitation was given for people to come forward to mark on a map where they live—a beginning picture of Lee Street Church’s mission field, their “everyday church.” Slips of paper were placed in the pews so if some people did not want to go forward they could write their addresses on the slips and then raise their hand for someone to come and take their papers and place pins on their behalf. Using pins with heads of the same color will help distinguish homes from places of work, which will added to the map next week.



*Song: “Hear Our Praises” LUYH 302


*Please rise in body or in spirit.

Visual Idea

We started by projecting the image on p. 6, but in subsequent weeks we left boxes blank and asked for pictures to be sent in or shared via Facebook. (See image above)

Sometimes Pastor Kent would share the stories behind the pictures. For example, the pink-shirted boy playing soccer was playing in memory of a 30ish church member who died from cancer several years ago.

Week Three

Everyday Mission

Gathering & Praise


Welcome and Prayer

Call to Worship: Revelation 15:4

*Opening Songs

“That’s Why We Praise Him” LUYH 868

“Mighty to Save” LUYH 611


Confession & Renewal

Call to Confession: “Before we celebrate baptism, let us hear what the law of God requires of us, that it may convince us of our sin and convict us to seek His mercy. . . .”

Read: Matthew 22:37–40


Assurance of Pardon

Celebration of Baptism


Song: “Jesus Paid it All (O Praise the One)” (Kristian Stanfill)

Prayers of the People


Children’s Message

God’s Word

Praying for the Power of the Holy Spirit

Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 2:9–3:16

Message: “Everyday Mission”

Theme: Peter tells us we are to live in such a way that others “may see (our) good deeds and glorify God” (NIV 1978). Obedience to the Word of God is a key to living good lives.

Response to God’s Word

Reading: Our World Belongs to God, paragraphs 41–48

Invite people to stand when the category that their work falls under is named, noting that for some their work is that of a caregiver at home, a volunteer, or a student.

  • Architecture/Construction/Landscaping
  • Arts/Entertainment
  • Business/Finances/Communications
  • Education/Student
  • Engineering/Technology
  • Environment/Forestry/Farming
  • Government/Law/Civic Care/Military
  • Medical/Health Care/Caregiving
  • Nonprofit/Community
  • Travel/Tourism/Transportation
  • Trades/Services
  • Volunteer/Retired

Leader: People of God:

Do you trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior and acknowledge him as Lord of your daily work life?

Do you accept the authority of the Scripture and commit to do your daily work according to God’s commands as he enables you by the power of the Holy Spirit?

Do you affirm that every ability, resource, and opportunity come from God’s hand, to be used for his glory?

Do you accept the responsibility that as a Christ-follower you are God’s ambassador to your workplace?

People: I do, God helping me.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, as we your servants go out to do your will, we pray that you will empower, affirm, and use each one for your glory. As the body of Christ, we pledge our support, encouragement, and affirmation to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, in our successes and in our failures. We recognize each person as Christ’s ambassador. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.

Adapted from the Center for Faith and Work’s Workplace Commissioning Liturgycenterforfaithandwork.com.

*Songs of Dedication

“Take My Life and Let It Be” LUYH 863, PH 391, PsH 288, TH 585/586, WR 466

“Church of God, Elect and Glorious” LUYH 252, PsH 533, WR 541

During the singing, people are invited to come forward to mark on the map their daily mission field. This could be their workplace, school, home, or place they volunteer.



*Song: “In Our Lives, Lord, Be Glorified” LUYH 861, SWM 206, SNC 43


*Please rise in body or in spirit.

Week Four

Everyday Evangelism

Gathering & Praise



Call to Worship: based on Psalm 19:14

Fill our worship with grace, Lord Jesus Christ,

that every thought, word, and deed may be acceptable to you,

our rock and our redeemer, for you are good.


“You Are Good” LUYH 577 

“Across the Lands” LUYH 775


Confession & Renewal

Children’s Message

Confession and Assurance

*Song: “Give Us Clean Hands” LUYH 628


Prayers of the People


God’s Word

Praying for the Power of the Holy Spirit

Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 3:15–20

Message: “Everyday Evangelism”

Theme: Being prepared to give a good answer is key to living an evangelistic life. Knowing the truth and how to share it with gentleness and respect is the only way people will come to know the Lord.

Response to God’s Word

*Declaration of our Faith: Apostles’ Creed

The creed was projected, and after each line was spoken by the congregation in English it was repeated in a different language by one of the church’s members. How many languages are present in your congregation? You may be surprised. The PowerPoint is available at http://tinyurl.com/zvu6wld.

Song of Response: “The Trumpets Sound, The Angels Sing (The Feast Is Ready)” LUYH 536

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper


*Song: “Thrive” (Casting Crowns, 2014)



“There Is a Redeemer” LUYH 833, SWM 128, SNC 145, WR 117


*Please rise in body or in spirit.

Week Five

Hope At the Margins

Gathering & Praise


Welcome and Prayer

Call to Worship: Psalm 113:2

*Opening Songs

“Blessed Be Your Name” LUYH 343

“Your Name” LUYH 375


Confession & Renewal

Confession and Assurance

*Song: “Give Us Clean Hands” LUYH 628


Prayers of the People


God’s Word

Children’s Message

*Song: Ancient Words LUYH 762

Praying for the Power of the Holy Spirit

Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 4

Message: “Hope at the Margins”

Theme: Operating in the post-Christian context will undoubtedly lead to persecution. Within this struggle is the hope (promise) of glory. When we live life at the margins in a relationship with Jesus Christ, the world will either be drawn near to Jesus or try to extinguish his light. In both there is hope.

Response to God’s Word

*Song: “Lord, I Need You” (Christy Nockels et al., 2011)



*Song: “Beautiful Savior” (st. 1, 4) LUYH 17, PsH 461, WR 105


*Please rise in body or in spirit.

Week Six

Everyday Testimonies

Gathering & Praise


Welcome and Prayer

Call to Worship: Psalm 118:24

*Opening Songs

“This Is Amazing Grace” (Phil Wickham, 2012)

“Your Grace Is Enough” LUYH 698


Confession & Renewal

Confession and Assurance

*Song: “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” LUYH 348, PH 276, PsH 556, SWM 194, TH 32, WR 72


Missionary Testimony

Prayers of the People


God’s Word

Children’s Message

Praying for the Power of the Holy Spirit

Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 1:1–11

Message: “Everyday Testimonies”

Response to God’s Word

Sharing Testimonies

*Song: “Let It Be Said of Us” (Steve Fry, 1994)



*Song: “Hear Our Praises” LUYH 302


*Please rise in body or in spirit

Rachel Bouwkamp serves as administrator and director of worship at Lee Street Christian Reformed Church in Wyoming, Michigan.

Kent Rottman serves as the pastor of Lee Street Christian Reformed Church in Wyoming, Michigan.

Reformed Worship 123 © March 2017 Worship Ministries of the Christian Reformed Church. Used by permission.