I Thank My God

A Thanksgiving Worship Service


*Gathering Song: “Let All Things Now Living” Davis, LUYH 5, GtG 37, PsH 453

*Call to Worship: Psalm 95:1–7

*All Sing: “We Praise You, O God” Cory, LUYH 560

*God’s Greeting & Mutual Greeting

*All Sing: “Blessed Be Your Name” Redman, LUYH 343

Call to Confession: Psalm 95:7–11

Prayer of Confession

Loving God, we gather today rich in blessing,

somehow believing that we merit the wealth and comforts we enjoy.

Forgive us, our God, for comfortably closing our eyes

to the faces of the poor that stare blankly in our direction.

Lord, have mercy on us.

With bellies full of grain and meat,

we offer token gestures to the hungry in our world

and we feel we have done enough.

Forgive us, God, for keeping a distance between “us” and “them,”

for closing our ears to the cries of the hungry.

Christ, have mercy on us.

With hands tightly clasping our treasures on earth,

we cannot reach out to our oppressed brothers and sisters around this world.

Forgive us for clinging to our own possessions rather than to you.

Unite us with hearts of thanksgiving,

that we may work to ensure freedom and justice for all.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Reformed Worship 8:44

Assurance of Pardon: “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” Chisholm, LUYH 348, GtG 39, PsH 556

God’s Will for Our Lives: Deuteronomy 8:10–18

Thanksgiving Offering: “For the Beauty of the Earth” Pierpoint, LUYH 19, GtG 14, PsH 432

All Sing: “Give Thanks” Smith, LUYH 358, GtG 647, SNC 216

Testimonies of Thanksgiving: “What Are You Thankful For?”

[Invite verbal testimonies or distribute pieces of paper and pencils and invite everyone to write down something they are thankful for. Collect the slips of paper and read them aloud during the Prayers of the People.]

Call to Prayer & Profession of Faith

Q. Why do Christians need to pray?

A. Because prayer is the most important part

of the thankfulness God requires of us.

And also because God gives his grace and Holy Spirit

only to those who pray continually and groan inwardly,

asking God for these gifts

and thanking God for them.

Heidelberg Catechism, Q&A 116

Thanksgiving Prayers of the People

[Consider using The Worship Sourcebook C.4.4.8]

Thanksgiving Meditation: “I Thank My God,” based on Philippians 1:1–11

*All Sing: “Now Thank We All Our God” Rinkart, LUYH 543, GtG 643, PsH 454


*Doxology: “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” Ken, LUYH 964/965, GtG 606, PsH 638


*Please stand in body or in spirit.

Reformed Worship 129 © September 2018, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.