Prayers for the Earth

Resources for a Prayer Day Sewice or Rural Life Sunday

Prayer of Confession

Creator God, we confess that all to often we have ignored and denied your Lordship of the land entrusted to us
by assuming the right to do with as we please,
by tacking more from it than we have returned to it ,
by taking for granted its productivity,
by denying justice to many who have labored on the land,
by wanting food lor less than it costs to produce.
We confess that material values, rather than kingdom realities,have often determinated our relationship.
we have been more interested in our neighbor's land than in our neighbor.
we have harbored bitterness and resentments because of economic problems.
we are not reconciled to some who have hurt us , even members of your body.
Lord of the church ,have mercy on us.
grant us peace with you and with earch other in Christ.Amen.

Litany of Creation

In the begining ,when God created the universe,the earth was formless,desolate,and covered by darkness.Then God commanded, "Let there be light",and light appread.
And God was pleased with what he saw.
Then he separated the light from the darkness,the earth from the sea.
And God was pleased with what he saw.
God made the sun to rule over the day and the moon and stars to rule over the night.
And God was pleased with what he saw.
"Let the water be filled with many kinds of living beings,and let the air be filled with birds."
And God was pleased with what he saw.
Then God commanded, "Let the earth produce all kinds of animal life."
And God was pleased with what he saw.
God created human beings ,making them to be like himself,and put them in charge of the fish,the birds,and all the wild animals."I have provided all kinds of grain and all kinds of fruit for you to eat;but for all the wild animals and for all the birds I have provited grass and leafy plants for food."
God looked at everything he had made, and he was very pleased.
Then the Lord God placed man and woman in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and to guard it.
The earth is the Lord's, and all that is in it belongs to the Lord!Praise be to God, Creator of heaven and earth!

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

For the earth and the gift of good land,
we give thanks, O Lord.
For the anticipation of a new growing season,
we give thanks, O Lord.
For those who labor on the farm and in the marketplace,
we give thanks, O Lord.
For the abundance of food and the opportunities to share,
we give thanks, O Lord.
For the delight of eating and the challenge of self denial,
we give thanks ,O Lord.<br/> O God, our Help, we lift up our hearts for the needs of your people:
to those who continue to be burdened with financial problems,
give strength, O Lord.
To those who have lost their land and livelihood,
who have experienced the pain of displacement,
give hope, O Lord.
To those serving people who are troubled and discouraged,
give wisdom, O Lord.
To those seeking to be open to you gifts and calling,
give us grace to be patient in suffering and sensitive to the pain of others. Help us to be faithful to that which you have committed to us so that we may realize your kingdom where we are. Through Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray, "Our Father…"

Betty Volskuil is Hunger Education Coordinator for the Reformed Church in America.


Reformed Worship 10 © December 1988, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.