
  • As you plan for Holy Week and Easter services consider adapting one of the following resources for your own context. Resources at and in our print/digital edition are free to use in worship contexts with acknowledgment.

  • We’re going ebb and flow through seasons of strength and seasons of struggle, where you as a worship planner can take stock of the worshiping life of your church family and identify areas of health and sickness. Those areas of sickness are where a reshuffled version of the vitamin and aspirin metaphor is helpful. Instead of analyzing what the worship service or worship team is “offering” the congregation, we can ask about issues we see in our participation, our passion, our formation, and our mission.

  • Are you looking for resources for your Ash Wednesday worship and the Sundays of Lent? Whether you are looking for an entire series, a prayer, litany, or other creative idea, Reformed Worship has something for you! Check out just a few of the timeless resources from our archive, available online at