Updated February, 2025
It's that time of year again. As always, Lent has flowed into Easter, and Ascension is still five weeks away. In our service planning, Easter Sunday so logically forms an integrated unit with Lent services, that we can easily be left wondering what to preach about on the Sunday mornings following Easter. To keep our thematic joints from showing through too much, we may need to apply some spring tonic to fortify the link between Easter and the five Sundays before Ascension Day. One way to do that is to take a deep breath, swallow hard, and begin a new series of messages starting already on Easter Sunday that uses contemporary images to celebrate what Jesus has gained for us by rising from the dead.
Although it may leave a bad taste in some people's mouths, the financial world readily provides such images. And don't forget, Scripture itself doesn't hesitate to strengthen our understanding by ladling out healthy doses of marketplace metaphor.
Most worshipers know how Christ's crucifixion benefits us. Fewer worshipers know exactly how Christ's resurrection benefits us. This series of messages uses contemporary examples from current economic life to concretize six biblical answers to that question.
The contemporary image of shares in a corporation unifies these themes: just as shares tie stockholders to the life of a company, so faith lets us share in Christ's conquest of death. Living in the company of the risen Lord pays us rich dividends. These messages show what they are.
A number of churches have begun to experiment with a worship service format that more intentionally focuses on the needs of "seekers" and new Christians. Such community-oriented services generally offer more contemporary music and choruses, more informal liturgy, musical presentations, short drama pieces to set the context for the message, and a sermon that does not assume a great deal of familiarity with Scripture or its teachings. The series of sketches that follow also include suggestions to meet some of the challenges of presenting this type of worship experience.
One note about the songs suggested for the community service: since these songs are copyrighted and many of them do not appear in most denominational hymnals, you must obtain permission to copy them for church use. This applies to permanent copies made on overhead glossies as well as to throwaway copies, such as songs printed in the weekly bulletin. A convenient way of getting permission from many copyright holders is to subscribe to an "umbrella" organization such as CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing, Inc., 6130 N.E. 78th Court, Suite Cll, Portland, Oregon 97218; 1-800-234-2446) that acts on behalf of many Christian songwriters and publishing companies. The cost—a few hundred dollars per year for an average-sized congregation—is well worth the time and effort saved in avoiding the weekly grind of seeking permission on a song-by-song basis.
Shares in a Vacant Plot
Exodus 14:29-15:2; John 20:1-10
Nothing plants faith in our hearts as strongly as God's powerful intervention when we have our backs up against the wall. We've all breathed "There IS a God!" when out of nowhere a fat check graced our mailbox in the nick of time, or the deadline on a term paper was pushed back that critical extra week.
The Israelites knew the feeling too. Barely out of Egypt, they stood trapped between the Red Sea, the mountains, and a bloodthirsty Pharaoh with revenge on his mind. But God stacked up the waters and led them through safely to the other side, drowning Pharaoh's might in the violent backwash. "And when the Israelites saw the great power the LORD displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the LORD and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant" (Ex. 14:31). They emerged from the seabed with more than their hides and their freedom. They walked out with the gift of faith, which allowed them to share in the company of their God.
Something similar happened to the anonymous "other" disciple who clambered into Jesus' tomb to find it empty. For two or three years he hadn't understood a single thing Jesus was talking about, and the crucifixion put an end to any pious dreams he had nurtured in the meantime. But in the shadows of that empty grave, suddenly the light came on: "He saw and believed" (John 20:8). He walked out with the first here-and-now benefit of Christ's resurrection: faith that glued him permanently to his Savior and Lord. Like the Israelites of old, he walked out sharing in the company of his God.
The financial future of shareholders is intimately connected to that of the company they've invested in—even though that company may be thousands of miles away. When the company does well, the investors receive rich dividends. So do we when we invest our lives in Jesus Christ. His victory over death proves to us that resurrections do happen and that our hope for our own resurrection from the dead is not just a "leap in the dark." To make us believe it, God solidly grounds that promise in history. He proved it by personally conquering death. Through that victory he gives us the faith that binds us to him.
By trusting in our risen Lord we receive more than just a death-insurance policy. As we walk through sunshine and shadows, our Easter-grounded faith already in this life makes us shareholders in the company of our God.
- Simple, graphic, visual images would greatly enhance the shareholder metaphor. A large banner or paper-hanging of a share certificate left on display for all six services would highlight the unifying theme of these messages. Important elements to include would be the name of the shareholder and the signature and corporate seal of the (Divine) issuer. Highlighting the sign and seal would be very effective during a baptism or communion celebration.
- To remind worshipers of the previously discussed benefits of Christ's resurrection, a single word or phrase might be superimposed on the share certificate and updated weekly. For this week the word "FAITH" would be appropriate. For the following weeks, you might consider adding the following words: "CERTAINTY" "CREDIT," "LIFELINE," "NEW CLOTHES," and "ETERNAL LIFE."
- To give a 3-D effect, a real estate sign could be placed on the pulpit platform with the inscription: "BURIAL PLOT FOR SALE BY OWNER (HARDLY USED)." While perhaps a bit jarring to some people, this sign strongly reminds the congregation that Christ no longer needs a grave—nor, someday, shall we. The sign can be changed from week to week during the series to highlight the themes of the Scripture and the message.
- Finally, perhaps a financier in the congregation may be willing to donate some "penny stocks" that could be distributed to every worshiper along with the bulletin. While it's unlikely in the present financial climate that this will enrich the faithful economically, it will tangibly reinforce the "shareholder" image.
Call to Worship
Psalm 118:22-24
"Alleluia! Alleluia! Give Thanks"Fishel
"Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" (st. 1 and 3, opening; st. 4 and 5, parting)Wesley
"I Will Sing Unto the Lord" (sermon response)Brink
"Oh, How Good Is Christ the Lord" (children's hymn) Grotenhuis
"This Joyful Eastertide" Grotenhuis
Responsive Reading
Shareholders in the Benefits of Easter: Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 17 (read responsively)
Community Worship
The Scripture reading and message in the community worship might best skip over the Old Testament material and concentrate specifically on the "shares" metaphor in relation to the John 20 resurrection account. An explanation of the profound parallel of Exodus and Easter might best be made at some other time when the focus is specifically on the Old Testament text. That would allow more time for explaining to community people who the Israelites were and what their role was in God's plan of salvation.
"Alive, Alive" (after word for children)
"Alleluia, Alleluia"Fishel
"Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" (st. 1,2, and 3)Wesley
"He Is Lord" Grotenhuis
"I Serve a Risen Savior"Ackley
"I Will Sing Unto the LORD," (st. 2—during or after message)Brink
"Oh, How Good Is Christ the Lord" (children's hymn)Grotenhuis
Shares in a Guaranteed Trust
Exodus 16:1-12; John 20:24-31
One financial institution seeks to draw potential investors by calling itself "Guaranteed Trust." Smart move. Nothing appeals more to the cautious majority man the reassurance that its little nest egg is locked away in rock-solid security Unfortunately, in the world of finance there really is no such thing. Even long-lived institutions flounder, and if they don't, sooner or later the debt-burdened currency they bank on will. Our financial futures always remain "iffy." There are no foolproof guarantees.
When leading the people of Israel out of Egypt, God had to do more than dream up a fancy name to reassure them about their futures. Accepting the invitation to become shareholders in God's company was for them an all-encompassing decision that embraced their whole life—physical, spiritual and eternal. Such a decision required proof positive that God was reliable, that God could and would bring them safely to the promised land and beyond. So God sent them quail and daily manna to give them the certainty they needed: "Then you will know that I am the LORD your God" (Ex. 16:12).
Thomas needed proof too—-and we shouldn't be so quick to censure him for doubting. The way of eternal salvation is much too important to gamble on by taking a "leap of faith" or a "shot in the dark." Thomas would not stake his eternal life on the word of others. He wanted proof: tangible flesh and blood and bone and bruises and scars. Can we blame him? To stake our lives on an unsubstantiated "hot tip" smacks of irresponsible foolishness.
Thomas wouldn't buy it. If he was to invest his life in order to receive the eternal life Jesus promised, then he wanted to be sure resurrections can and do happen. Notice that Jesus did not chide him for that. He willingly convinced Thomas by tying his Word to the rock-solid, undeniable reality of everyday history: "Put your finger here ... reach out your hand ... stop doubting and believe" (John 20:27).
So Jesus' resurrection provides us with a second dividend: certainty. Like the manna and the quail, God restores to us the Bread from heaven to prove that Yahweh is our God. Our future is safe with our God—guaranteed.
- Next to the share certificate that visually connects these six messages, you might add a separate cloth or paper hanging containing a corporate seal. If a new wall hanging is not practical, consider placing the seal on the weekly bulletin instead (your church seal would do). Such a seal guarantees the authenticity of the promises made on the document that carries it, just as the resurrection and appearance to Thomas guarantee the authenticity of Christ's promise that we too shall share eternal life.
- The word to add to your share certificate for today is "CERTAINTY."
- Should baptism be scheduled on this Sunday, the illustration of signature and seal could strongly reinforce the image.
- Last week's "Plot for Sale" sign could be replaced with a sign that reads "COVENANT TRUST: REDEEMABLE WHOLE LIFE."
Call to Worship
Psalm 117
"Arise, Shine," (st. 1,4, and 5)Glass
"How Great Is Your Love"Altrogge
"The Lord, My Shepherd, Rules My Life," (st. 1 and 5)Irvine
"These Things Did Thomas Count as Real" (sermon response)Doran
"This Joyful Eastertide," (st. 2, parting song)Grotenhuis
"Trumpet the Name!" (st. 2,8, and 9)Slenk
"You Are Our God," (st. 3 and 4, after baptism)Hoekema
Focus on sign and seal imagery, and integrate the sacrament with the children's message.
Congregational Prayer
Interspersed with chanted solo or congregational response:
Gracious God,
Ever faithful One,
Ever loving God,
Walk with us in joyous times,
Walk with us in our trials.
[from "Prayer of Ezra," in Canticles and Gathering Prayers, compiled by John P.Mossi, song by Suzanne Toolan. Copyright 1989 by St. Mary's Press, 702 Terrace Heights, Winona, MN.]
Community Worship
In the community service it may be useful to drop the Old Testament reference for now and concentrate on the certainty of Christ's resurrection. The whole concept of resurrection is "old hat" for members, but it may have to be carefully explained to seekers. Expect to answer some skepticism and be ready to supply historical corroboration for this event.
"Blessed Assurance" (after message)Knapp
"Great Is the Lord"Watts
"How Great Is Your Love" (series theme song)Altrogge
"Let There Be Praise"Tunney
"Thy Word" (before Scripture reading)Richarde
"Trust and Obey" (children's song)Sammis
Shares in an Open Credit Line
Exodus 12:12-13;
Romans 4:16-25
Credit cards are sometimes lifesavers. A major vehicle breakdown on a cross-country trek may require funding you had not counted on and may not even possess. But that piece of plastic allows tow-truck operators, mechanics, and motel managers to "call things that are not as though they were" (see Romans 4:17). And that's what gets you off the hook.
To people who cannot afford them, of course, credit cards can lead to crippling debt and financial ruin. In large measure financial institutions must bear much of the responsibility for too easily extending credit to those who cannot afford it.
Surprisingly, God appears to be in that category. God extends credit to individuals who cannot possibly repay—to people like Abraham. God "calls things that are not as though they were." God calls this wandering senior citizen Abraham ("Father of Nations"), even though he has no heirs and no human hopes of begetting one. God grants to Sarah and Abraham what they do not deserve and cannot repay: a child in their old age. That God should extend such credit makes them laugh; they name their son Isaac ("Chuckles").
More than that, Paul tells us in Romans 4 that Abraham believed the promise of God, and so "it was credited to him as righteousness" (4:22). His faith did not pay off the monthly credit card statement. It simply accepted the conditions on which credit was extended: sheer undeserved grace.
When the Israelites left Egypt, they deserved to have the angel of death destroy their firstborn just as much as the Egyptians did. But a bit of animal blood smeared on the doorpost was sufficient for God to credit them with righteousness they did not possess, causing the avenging angel to pass over their households. This sign of their faith and obedience allowed God once more "to call things that were not as though they were."
Paul assures us in Romans 4:23-25 that God will also extend such credit to us. God calls us "saints" even though we know we sinned all through last week. God calls us "holy" even though we spent days serving ourselves and only minutes serving our Lord. God calls us the "Body of Christ" even though we may have done more to shatter our (comm)unity than to build it up.
When we use plastic, we know that sooner or later a statement will appear, demanding that we pay back what we borrowed. But with all the credit God extends, the bill never arrives. Why not? Doesn't full payment have to be made?
Paul's message in Romans assures us that it does. However, the payback for the credit extended to us is not drawn from our account, but from Christ's. He picks up the tab in full. The name on the credit card God extends us is not Visa or American Express. It has our Savior's name on it. We only need to sign the counter check, accepting the same terms as Abraham and the Israelites did: by grace alone.
Once we recognize how God freely extends us credit we cannot repay, our thankfulness motivates us to extend such credit to others—even if they cannot repay the debt.
We freely lend money to the needy even if they are a bad risk. We give credit to our loved ones even when, perhaps, little credit is due. We forgive the puny debts owed us because we see how great the debt is that Christ paid off for us. That brings to mind Matthew 18:21-35. Reading it makes a fitting conclusion to this message.
- The sign for today might resemble a credit card. The card could have the term "MASTER'S CARD" prominently displayed, and beside "Expiration Date" either "Unlimited" or "None."
- The word to add to your share certificate for today is "CREDIT."
- A credit-card slip could be handed out to each worshiper along with the bulletin. Encourage people to sign their name on the slip, indicating their ownership of the terms of the agreement—accepting the credit God extends to them which by grace will be drawn from Jesus' account. Especially in the community service this could be a good tool to call "seekers" to commitment.
Call to Worship
Psalm 103:1-4
"Fill Thou My Life," (st. 1, after directives for living)Bonar
"How Great Is the Love of the Father" (after children's message)Ward
"How Great Is Your Love" (after assurance of pardon)Atrogge
"How Vast the Benefits Divine" (after message)Toplady, Fink
"Nations, Clap Your Hands"Bourgeois
"To God Be the Glory" (parting song)Crouch
Community Service
Again, the Old Testament reading would probably take too much time to explain in this context, and the focus might best be specifically on the theme of the undeserved nature of divine credit. The Romans passage is also difficult, so it may be best to use Matthew 18:21-35 as the primary reading and Romans 4:25 as the text on which to base the message.
"Amazing Grace," (st. 1,2, and 4)Newton
"Great Is Thy Faithfulness," (st. 1 and 3)Chisholm
"How Great Is Your Love" (message response)Altrogge
"To God Be the Glory" (parting song. A soloist could sing the verses, and the congregation could join on the refrain as found in the Psalter Hymnal.)Crouch
"We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise" (gathering song)Dearman
Shares in a Linked Network
Exodus 17:8-16; Romans 8:31-35
Sometimes we run scared because our prayers to God seem to fall on deaf ears. Is there nobody out there? Is God unable to help us? Doesn't God care? Or have we been such a disappointment that God has just given up on us?
The story of the first major attack on the fledgling Israelite nation by the marauding Amalekites reassures us that God does hear our prayers. Our appeals to divine power do not go unanswered. The rag-tag band of undisciplined slaves laden with Egypt's wealth represented an irresistible target for the veteran Amalekite army—like taking candy from a baby. Amalek gave no thought to the fact that the salvation of all humankind rested on Israels fragile freedom. Without God's intervention not only Israel, but also every person in the world would remain unredeemable.
When Israel's army fought this life-and-death battle, it had little time for prayer. So Moses, Aaron, and Hur climbed to the top of a hill, and Moses stretched his hands toward heaven on Israel's behalf. God heard his prayer. As long as Moses stretched his hands out to God, Israel had the upper hand. But when he grew tired and his hands dropped, the tide turned in Amalek's favor. Victory came only when Moses' cohorts managed to prop up this senior citizen so he could finish his prayer.
Who says that people who are elderly and shut-in can do nothing important anymore in the kingdom of God? By praying for youngsters who are up to their eyeballs in a crushing load of responsibilities, they provide them with an essential link to the sustaining power of God. Seniors can pray like Moses and the priests of old for those who are too busy, too distressed, too exhausted, or too confused to pray for themselves. And such prayers access the great power of our God for those in need. God answers intercessory prayer.
There is a problem, however, with those who so often pray for us—young or old. They're only human. Like Aaron who allows a stray golden calf to clog the lifeline to God, like idolatrous priests who dial one wrong number after another, and like friends who just plain forget or get tired of remembering our ongoing struggles before God's throne, our intercessors with God sooner or later let us down. They get tired, and our lifeline to God gets disconnected.
To this problem the apostle Paul announces God's reassuring Good News. Christ's resurrection from the dead provides for us another crucial benefit: "Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us" (Rom. 8:34).
When we fail to pray as we should, or when others cannot stand in the breach for us, Jesus prays for us. He fills up what's lacking in our prayer. He never tires like Moses. His words on our behalf always hold our heavenly Father's attention because Jesus is less than an almighty arm's length away.
Frequently we fail to ask forgiveness for our sins—often as not because we haven't even noticed them. At times like that, Christ's intercession for us is essential. "Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen?" Paul asks. Who indeed, when Jesus himself intercedes for all our sins and refutes all charges against us with reminders of his atoning blood?
In our global village, communication networks have turned into essential lifelines. Medical specialists who are thousands of miles removed from the operation table provide instantaneous, lifesaving advice. Untold thousands of travelers daily depend on aircraft communication systems to bring them safely back down from six miles up to a fright-endingly thin sliver of runway.
But more essential than all of these is the line of communication Christ has established for us with our Father in heaven. This line patches us into eternal life. In Christ we share also this resurrection benefit: a direct line of communication to our heavenly Father that will never again go unanswered, get disconnected, or return a "busy" signal. Romans 8:35-39 makes that clear as "Ma Bell."
- A banner or paper-hanging could be added that displays a graphic image of a satellite dish.
- The word "LIFELINE" could be added to the list of benefits superimposed on the share certificate.
- The sign could show the coil of a telephone cord (heading vertically to the top border) and the word "LIFELINE" in bold lettering—indicating that Christ is our lifeline to God.
Call to Worship
Romans 8:34-35
"All Glory Be to God on High," (st. 1 and 2, sermon response)Decius, Gott
"I Serve a Risen Savior," (st. 1 and 3, song of praise)Ackley
"Lead Me, Guide Me," (st. 1 and 2, song of rededication following reading of Psalm 32:1-2)Akers
"Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow" (parting song)Ken
"Unto God Our Savior" (gathering song)Blunt
Dramatic Sketch
A dramatic sketch that sets up the doubts we sometimes experience in our relationship to God could work equally well in both a more traditional and a seeker-oriented service, possibly doing double duty in both. In this case the sketch might have us "listen in" on a conversation between two high school students as they discuss their (lack of) communication with God.
It would be important to include reasons why we might think God isn't listening to us, leaving this dilemma's resolution for the sermon. High schoolers could be invited to write the piece and to present it to the congregation in the service as a means of leading us into the Word.
Community Service
The Old Testament passage from Exodus 17 is clear and straightforward enough to include in this service. It beautifully introduces seekers and new Christians to the redemptive/historical lines that unify Old and New Covenants, particularly focusing here on Moses as covenant mediator, tire precursor of Christ's role in tire fullness of time. Care should be taken to explain to "seekers" who the Israelites were and what role they played in the economy of God's plan.
"How Great Is Your Love" Altrogge
"I Cast All My Cares" (concluding congregational prayer)Willard
"In the Presence of Your People"Chambers
"Jehovah Jireh"Cook
"Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow"Ken
"You Are the King of Glory"
Shares in a New Line of Clothing
Exodus 19:3-14; Col. 3:1-17
At first blush it seems a trifle strange; at the very moment that God comes down personally to establish a covenant with the Israelites, he asks them to do their laundry (Ex. 19:10). So what's a sweat-stained, desert-dusty robe between a people and their God? Is God just being like a typical parent who at your wedding or graduation blurts out: "Did you change your socks, Dear?" Is God guilty here of similarly mixing the monumentally important and the incongruously trivial?
Not likely! Washing their clothes was literally of sacramental importance to God's people. By this act they demonstrated their desire to put off their old, sinful way of life and to put on the new lifestyle of consecration to God's will. When God makes us new, we want to change our daily living. We want to wear our newness all the time and all over the place like a brand-new outfit—a righteous robe. God's gracious gift to Israel of the decalogue and all the statutes that follow it showed them the way to hve, though it was not until Jesus actually walked that way on our behalf that we could truly experience new life in fullness.
Paul picks up that theme in Colossians 3, He reminds these recent converts that Jesus has given them salvation fully and freely. They have no need of anything or anyone above, beyond, or beside him. He is their perfect Savior and Lord. And in him they have become new creatures who can now already begin to live the new life by following in his footsteps.
So a fifth benefit of Christ's resurrection from the dead is the fact that we share that new life with him already here and now. Having been incorporated into Christ (2:9f), we are empowered to exchange our grave clothes for grace clothes. We can now adopt a lifestyle characterized not by moribund earthly concerns, but by eternal heavenly ones.
Paul reminds us how foolish we would be to let our old and new life coexist. When we put on fresh new clothes, we take the dirty old rags off first. That only makes sense. So Paul tells us, "Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature..." (Col. 3:5ff). He continues: "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility..." (Col. 3:12f).
A handsome jacket completes and pulls together the whole new outfit. Paul tells us what it is: "over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity" (v. 14). Those who are raised with Christ will forever after wear their Spirit-filled hearts on their God-given sleeves.
- The words "NEW LIFE" could be added to the list of benefits superimposed on the share certificate.
- In addition, you might hang a graphic image of some clothes hangers, either empty or sporting some shirts or robes, indicating the new line of clothing we share when we are incorporated into Christ's death and resurrection.
- The 3-D sign could read "CLOTHING EXCHANGE."
- If baptism is scheduled, a children's message showing the water and its meaning (washing, purification) could precede the actual event and tie it into the message.
Call to Worship
Psalm 24:3-4
"By the Sea of Crystal," Kuipers(st. 1 and 2—after reconciliation; st. 3—parting song)
"God Be Merciful to Me"Psalter 1912 (prayer of confession)
"May the Mind of Christ, My Savior," Wilkinson(st. 1-4, response to message)
"Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"Neander
"We Praise You, O God"Cory
Community Service
"Create in Me a Clean Heart" (following message)
"Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart"Smith (during offering)
"Glory Glory in the Highest"The Roman Missal
"I Love to Praise Him"Randolph
"Take My Life That It May Be" (after offering)
"The Ragman"; this could be easily made into a dramatic sketch that would be a very effective lead-in to the message in either type of service.
[from The Ragman and Other Cries of Faith, Walter Waugerin, Harper Collins, New York, N.Y, 1984]
Shares in the Vault
Joshua 6:20-25; Rev. 1:9-18
A symptom of the deep pessimism of the "Baby-Buster"
generation (the generation following the "Baby Boomers") shows up on a typical '90s bumper sticker: YOU WORK, YOU PAY TAXES, AND THEN YOU DIE.
That gloomy scenario is only partly accurate, of course. Lots of couch potatoes have figured out how to get through life without lifting a finger, while others have amassed fortunes without paying a nickel to the revenuers. Only the last phrase is incontrovertible and inescapable: THEN YOU DIE.
With the exception of Elijah and Enoch, no human being avoids the vault of death. All our hard work, technology, and know-how serve only to stave off the inevitable for a little while longer and make our life's journey to the grave a bit more comfortable. Since there's no hope in avoiding it, we do well to seek the key mat will unlock that vault of death before it captures us. We'll have no further opportunity once we get there!
The Bible provides us with a surprising role model to teach us this. Rahab is hardly a paragon of virtue, but she knows that her fellow Canaanites' demise is imminent: God will now carry out the death sentence they deserve. She also knows the key to safety through this sure destruction rests in the heart of Yahweh, the God who will rescue any old heathen harlot if she asks. God so eagerly establishes covenants with sheep farmers, Israels ("God-wrestlers"), and even bawling twentieth-century babies that Rahab, keenly aware of the unavoidable crisis to come, acts wisely by clutching that key to safety through the approaching doom.
A sixth benefit of Christ's resurrection in which we share through faith turns out to be our ultimate escape through the inevitable annihilation that we all must face. Our risen Lord jingles before us our only means of deliverance from deaths dark vault: "I hold the keys of death and Hades" (Rev 1:18).
How can we be sure he really has them and that they really work? "I am the First and the Last. I am fe Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive forever and ever." (Rev 1:17-18). Jesus proved it. He was locked into deaths icy grip, and he came out. Within the solid bedrock of history he has proven once and for all that he has opened the way through death for us.
Our neighbors and work associates are also plummeting willy-nilly toward that vault of death. Many of them have no key. Others have what they think is the key, but find that it doesn't open anything, much less that final prison. What an incredible waste: billions of lives wasted in death, like stacks of money and negotiable bonds left to rot in a vault for which no one can find the right combination.
God has favored us with full knowledge of the identity of the One who holds the real key. Like a hot tip on the market, shouldn't we spread the word so that those around us can also gain a share in the life-giving company of our God?
- A graphic image of a large, darkened, ominous-looking vault could highlight a banner or paper-hanging rounding out this series of messages. Or perhaps a simple silhouette of a large key or set of keys could be effective.
- The words "ETERNAL LIFE" could be added to the share certificate, completing the list of six benefits of Christ's resurrection.
- The 3-D sign could read simply "EXIT" and carry the imprint of a key. (In a congregation fairly sophisticated in their knowledge of financial lingo, the sign could read something like "FUTURES OFFER" instead.)
Call to Worship
John 14:6
"How Great Is Your Love"Altrogge (response to Scripture reading)
"Jesus Lives and So Do We" (sermon response)Gellert
"Lord of Creation, to You be All Praise" (song of rededication)Winslow
"Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow"Ken
"Rejoice, the Lord Is King"Wesley
Community Service
The Old Testament passage from Joshua may take too long to explain to people who have no background in the history of God's people. It may be wise to read only the New Testament reading and focus specifically on Revelation 1:18. The subject of death is a crucial point of contact with those who have little or no exposure to the Christian faith.
Revelation 1:9-18
"Alleluia, Alleluia!"Fishel (response to message)
"He Is Lord"
"How Great Is Your Love"Altrogge (parting song)
"Oh, How Good Is Christ the Lord"