

I write to express my appreciation to you and the entire RW staff for providing an excellent smorgasbord of articles that inspire, challenge, instruct, and provide helpful and creative ideas for worship leaders.

The article "When Flint Strikes Steel" (RW 40) really touched me in that it put into words what I have been experiencing in my own life. Haddon's words were affirming, but they were also alarming in that they reminded us of how difficult it is to create sparks in the pluralistic, multigenerational congregation of today. Thanks for the great work!

Please consider an article/section that addresses and provides insights for those using the lectionary.

Don Huitink
Overland Park, KS


I really enjoy RW—good stuff. But a little point about the Hebrew spelling on the banner on page 47 of RW 40: there is no such word in my Gesenius. It should read mlT', not mlT'.

Vern Ratslaff
Saskatoon, SK


In Harry Boonstra's response to a question about use of the votum (RW 41), he says that Presbyterians do not have this in their tradition. I cannot speak to the question of how far back the use of the votum goes, but it is the opening sentence in the Call to Worship in virtually all orders of worship in the 1946 Book of Common Worship of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). While we did not use the word "votum", the sentence was used each Sunday in the formerly United Presbyterian Church of North America congregation which I began serving as pastor in 1963, and which by then was part of the United Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

John C. Bush
Madison, Alabama

Reformed Worship 42 © December 1996, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.