Introducing Lent

A Short Drama

This drama was designed to be presented by two middle-school age boys as an introduction to the season of Lent. It was submitted by Tom Vos, pastor of First Christian Reformed Church, Wellsburg, Iowa .

David: Hi, Tom! What’ve you been doing?

Tom: Hey, David! I’m all about basketball right now. You too?

David: Yeah, it’s real exciting: all the games—girls’ and boys’ tournaments, the Big Ten . . .

Tom: . . . and basketball practice every day after school.

David: I hardly have time to do my homework.

Tom: Me either. [yawns or stretches] March Madness makes church seem a little dull, doesn’t it? Same-old, same-old. B-o-o-oring.

David: At least church was interesting before Christmas, with all the Christmas programs and parties . . .

Tom: Yeah, that was fun.

David: Candlelight, lots of singing, carols, snow . . .

Tom: I really liked watch the little kids do their Christmas program.

David: That was Advent, right?

Tom: Yeah, just before Christmas.

David: Well, at least now Easter’s coming. That’s always exciting.

Tom: That’s a long way off . . .

David: I know. Not until April.

Tom: And there’s not much in between.

David: Well, what about Lent?

Tom: What about it?

David: It’s kinda like Advent before Christmas.

Tom: Are you kidding? There’s nothing happy about lent. Any time I’ve lent anything to anybody, I usually don’t get it back. I don’t see anything good about lent.

David: It’s not that kind of “lent.” This Lent doesn’t mean “borrow.” [pause] This Lent is from the Bible.

Tom: I don’t think Lent is in the Bible.

David: Maybe it isn’t, but the word Trinity isn’t either, and you believe in the Trinity, don’t you?

Tom: Well, yeah, but . . .

David: [interrupts] So what I’m talking about is the biblical Lent, ending in Easter.

Tom: What does the word mean, I wonder? If Advent means Christ’s coming, does Lent mean . . . ?

David: [smiles, reaches into pocket] You won’t believe this, but I just happen to have an article about Lent right here in my pocket. . . . [both laugh]

Tom: You mean you were leading up to this all the time?

David: Well, I couldn’t just come up to you and say, “Wanna hear about Lent?” It takes tact!

Tom: So, what does Lent mean—the biblical Lent?

David: It says here [reads]: “The word Lent comes from words meaning ‘long’ and ‘spring’ and probably refers to the lengthening of days as spring approaches.”

Tom: When does Lent start? How long does it last?

David: It starts six weeks before Easter, on what’s called Ash Wednesday, but it does not include Sundays.

Tom: Why aren’t Sundays included?

David: Sundays were considered feast days. On the other days people used to fast. They ate only one meal a day in the evening—and they couldn’t eat meat, fish, eggs, or butter.

Tom: Poor McDonalds!

David: Oh, many Christians don’t really fast anymore. Fasting was cut out during World War II. Now people who practice fasting do it only on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

Tom: So fasting’s out. What else do you know about Lent?

David: [thoughtfully] Well, it says here that Lent is forty days long in remembrance of Christ’s forty-day fast in the wilderness—remember when he was tempted by the devil?

Tom: So that’s why Lent is forty days long! What else?

David: [reads] “During Lent believers are unusually aware of Christ’s suffering. They are very aware of their own personal devotions, the giving of money to the poor, and in preparing themselves for special services in their churches during Holy Week: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter sunrise services. . . .”

Tom: Wow, you really do have the facts. Maybe this isn’t such a boring part of the church year after all. Thanks, David! I’ll look forward to Lent. Now let’s go shoot some hoops.

Lillian Eiten is a retired school teacher from Wellsburg, Iowa can be contacted through

Reformed Worship 82 © December 2006, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.