[During this service, the sanctuary doors will remain closed. The ushers stand outside the doors to encourage people to enter the sanctuary in reverent silence.]
Call to Worship: “Be Still, for the Presence” SNC 11 Stanza 1, sung by soloist
Scripture Reading: selected verses from Psalm 38
Prayer of Confession
Sovereign Lord, we come before you now without pretense or excuse; you see all our actions and know all our inward thoughts. We are laid bare before you. We have sinned against you, and we plead for your forgiveness. Have mercy on us.
We have tried to find our own way instead of following the paths you laid out for us. We have arrogantly thought ourselves better than our neighbors. Have mercy on us.
Sovereign Lord, we come to you now, humbled and broken. We ask for your forgiveness through the name of Jesus; we ask for your mercy through the blood of Christ.
As we receive such grace from you, teach us anew the paths of righteousness. Create in us a clean heart that we might follow you in your holiness.
Song of Confession: “Create in Me a Clean Heart” SNC 49 Sung first by choir, then by congregation
Prayer for Illumination: “Be Still, for the Presence” SNC 11 Stanza 2, sung by soloist
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 4:12-16
Song: “Before the Throne of God Above” CSW 28 Stanzas 1-2, choir; stanza 3, all
Assurance of Pardon: Hebrews 9:15
Prayer of Application: “Be Still, for the Presence” Stanza 3, sung by soloist
Application of Ashes
[At this time, worshipers who would like to receive the ashes on their forehead may come forward.]
Hymn: “I Will Sing of My Redeemer” CH 309, PsH 479, TH 650, WR 356
God’s Blessing, affirmed by congregational “Amen”
Doxology: “Amazing Grace” CH 343, PH 280, PsH 462, TH 460, WR 422
[Worshipers may present their offerings at the doors as they leave the sanctuary.]