Crown of thorns with bowl of water and pitcher

Having the Identity of a Servant: Series Homepage

Services for Ash Wednesday, the Sundays of Lent, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter

When Reformed Worship staff sat down to discuss the worship series for this issue and how it might connect with the year’s theme of mission, we thought of how the church historically has the greatest missional impact when it combines the gospel message with lives of service that emulate Christ. The concept of service fits well with the traditional Lenten themes of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. We were happy to discover that this theme also correlated well with the Revised Common Lectionary texts for Year C. As we continued thinking about this theme, we found Richard J. Foster’s classic work Celebration of Discipline particularly helpful.

Because several people would be creating this series, we drafted a broad outline to keep each worship service for the Sundays in Lent focused on worship’s dialogue between God and those gathered (see "Full Order of Worship" below). Not all of the worship elements appear every week, but the outline may be a helpful reference if you adapt this series for your context. To help anchor the theme and create some continuity, the ending of each Sunday service is the same. 

During Lent there also are weekday services, including those for Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. Each of these services has its own rhythm and does not closely follow the outline for Sunday services. 

We have provided background notes on the theme for each service that could also serve as sermon notes and help you see the thread tying the worship elements together. Following the Ash Wednesday and Sunday services are suggestions for how individuals and households might respond.

The graphic found at the top of the page is available for worshiping communities to use with the right attribution. You can find links giving you the copyright information as well as a downloadable graphic under "Resources" at the bottom of this page. 

Here are links to each of the service. 
Ash Wednesday: Coworkers in Christ
Lent 1: The Call to Service
Lent 2: Commitment to Service
Lent 3: The Heart of Service
Lent 4: Service as Radical Hospitality
Lent 5: The Ministry of Self-Giving
Lent 6 (Palm/Passion Sunday): The Servant King 
Maundy Thursday: The Sign of Service
Good Friday: The Suffering Servant
Easter: The Servant’s Message

Full Order of Worship for the Sundays of Lent
Each service contains some of the following elements while retaining the flow of God’s actions and our response. 

Call to Worship

Opening Responses
Call to Confession
Prayers of Confession or Lament
Assurance of Pardon
The Peace
Dedication to Holy Living / The Law

Children’s Message
Prayers for Illumination 
Scripture Reading

Response to the Sermon 
Profession of Our Church’s Faith
Prayers of the People
Profession of Faith and Remembrance of Baptism

The Lord’s Supper
Declaration of God’s Invitation and Promises
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
Preparing the Bread and Cup

Response of Praise and Prayer

Blessing / Benediction

Following the pattern we’ve established the question we should be posing to those gathered for worship is: Having encountered our God in worship, how are we going to respond in our daily living? The sending doesn’t end our worship but begins our life of worship. 

First Service



Rev. Joyce Borger is senior editor of Reformed Worship and a resource development specialist at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. She has worked in the area of worship for over 20 years and has served as editor of several musical collections, including Psalms for All Seasons, and Lift Up Your Hearts: Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs (Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2011, 2013). She is an ordained minister, teaches worship at Kuyper College, and is involved in the worship life of her congregation.   

Dr. Bethany Besteman is the pastor of worship and discipleship at Silver Spring Christian Reformed Church in Maryland where she lives with her husband and son. She also works as the intake editor for Reformed Worship.

Reformed Worship 154 © December 2024, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.