The aim of this reflective service is to prepare us for Easter Sunday by walking with Jesus to the cross using Matthew’s gospel account. The basic pattern for this service is Scripture readings followed by songs. If possible, the cross should be stationed in a central place in the sanctuary and illuminated. Communion will be served mid-service, following Matthew’s narrative. Each Scripture passage may be read by a different person. Asterisks indicate the congregation should stand in body or in spirit.
Gathering Song: “This Is Amazing Grace” Wickham et al.
Words of Welcome
Call to Worship and Rest: Matthew 11:28–30
*God’s Greeting: Matthew 5:4
*Prayer of Invocation for Good Friday
Holy God,
on this most holy of days we approach your throne,
grateful for all your blessings,
especially the gift of your Son,
who suffered so we may live.
May our worship, though imperfect,
be an expression of our gratitude.
To you belongs all glory and honor.
—Joyce Borger, Reformed Worship, © 2024 Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike. Used by permission.
Alternative: Prayer M.1.4.2 from The Worship Sourcebook, © 2013 Faith Alive Christian Resources
*Song of Preparation & Profession of Faith: “In Christ Alone” Townend & Getty
Preparation for Passion
[Explain here how this Lessons and Hymns service will proceed.]
Reading 1: Matthew 16:21–28
Song: [Choose one:]
- “The Old Rugged Cross” Bennard
- “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” Watts
- “What Grace Is This” Gauger
Reading 2: Matthew 26:1–16
Song: “What a Beautiful Name” Fielding and Ligertwood
The Upper Room
Reading 3 (Institution for Communion): Matthew 26:17–30
Garden and Judgement
Reading 4: Matthew 26:36–56
Song: “At the Cross” Tomlin et al.
Reading 5: Matthew 26:57–75
Song: “Son of Suffering” Redman et al.
Reading 6: Matthew 27:1–26
Song: “Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted” Kelly
Prayer of Confession and Lament
Forgive us, Lord.
For many of us this story is so familiar
that we fail to grasp the horror of the scene:
people bending to the will of the powerful;
the release of a known murderer
in place of an innocent man, your Son;
and the sound of the crowds shouting, “Crucify him!”
Not only do we fail to see the horror of this scene,
but we fail to recognize how this story plays out in our own lives.
How often we are influenced by others to do and say things we know are wrong!
How often we choose the side of the bully rather than the victim!
How often we ourselves deny you and through our own sin
become complicit with the crowd, joining in their cry: “Crucify him!”
Forgive us, Lord.
May your Holy Spirit work in each of us
so that we may grasp that it is for us you endured the cross,
that though you could have chosen to save yourself,
you chose instead to save each one of us.
Open our ears and hearts
so we may hear the gospel message anew.
—Joyce Borger, Reformed Worship, © 2024 Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike. Used by permission.
Crucifixion and Death
Reading 7: Matthew 27:27–44
Song: “Jesus Paid It All” Hall & Grape
Reading 8: Matthew 27:45–61
Song: “Oh, to See the Dawn” Getty and Townend
Concluding Remarks and Prayer
*Call to Discipleship and Blessing
Self-giving God,
we have heard the story proclaimed today
and know that your Son died so we may live.
May the enormity of this gift penetrate our soul.
Inspire us to share the good news of your love with all people.
As we leave this place, go with God’s blessing. This is what God says to each of you today:
I, God the Father,
have chosen you and love you.
Go share my love.
I, God the Son,
died for you and will go with you.
Go share the good news with courage.
I, God the Holy Spirit,
will comfort you and grant you hope.
Go comfort the sorrowing, and be a people of hope.
—Joyce Borger, Reformed Worship © 2024 Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike. Used by permission.
Alternative: Prayer M.9.1.6 from The Worship Sourcebook, © 2013 Faith Alive Christian Resources
*Final Song: “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” Townend
Please leave quietly to wait and grieve with hope.