Sharing a Common Faith: Participar en una fe comun


Prelude (a time to prepare for worship with prayer)

Words of Welcome

Calling on God (from Psalm 104)

May the love of God the Father, the
grace of the Son, and the fellowship
born of the Spirit be among you all.
Que el amor de Dios el Padre, la gracia
del Hip, y la comunidn del Espiritu
permanezcan con todos ustedes.


Lord, send forth your Spirit.
Senor, envia tu Espiritu.

And renew the face of the earth!
Y renueva la faz de la tierra!

If you take away their breath, all
your creatures die and return to the dust.
Si til auitaras su aliento, tus creaturas
perecertan; ellas retomarian al polvo.

When you send your Spirit, they
are created, and you renew the face
of the earth.
Cuando tu envias tu Espiritu, ellas
son creadas; y til renuevas la faz de
la tierra.

May the glory of the Lord endure forever.
Que la gloria del Senor permanezca para siempre.

May the Lord rejoice in his works.
Que el Senor se recocige en sus obras.

Hymn: "I've Come to Tell/Te Vengo a Decir"(PH 250)


Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession

Most merciful God, we confess that
we have sinned against you in
thought, word, and deed, both by
what we have done and by what we have left undone.

Cordero de Dios, Que quita los
pecados del ntundo, tenos

(Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world: have mercy upon us.)

We have not loved you with our
whole heart. Too often we have
failed to welcome into our hearts
your quickening Spirit of love and power.

Cordero de Dios, Que quita los
pecados del ntundo, tenos misericordia.

We are truly sorry and humbly repent.
Wash away our sins; send
rain on our dry ground; bend our
rigidity; inflame our cold hearts;
anoint us for witness, and direct our
wandering feet into your ways.

Cordero de Dios, Que quita los
pecados del ntundo, tenos

Assurance of Pardon

Songs of Praise: "Oh, How Good Is Christ the Lord/Oh, Que Bueno Es Jesiis" (PH 401)
"Holy, Holy, Holy"/"Santo, Santo, Santo" (PH 626)


Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Lesson: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Message: Unity and Diversity in the Body of Christ

Prayer for Blessing on the Word


Hymn: "In Christ There Is No East or West" (PH 540)

The Intercessory Prayer - La Oration Intercesoria

The Offertory /El Ofertorio

Hymn: "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow" (PH 638)


The Thanksgiving \\La Action de Gratias

Lift up your hearts
Eleven sus corazones

We lift them up to the Lord.
Los elevamos al Senor, nuestro Dios.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
Daremos gratias al Senor, nuestro Dios.

It is right for us to give thanks
Es justo dargracias a Dios.

It is our joy and peace
Es nuestro gozo y paz,

at all times and in all places
En todo los tiempos en todos los lugares

to give thanks to you, Holy Father.
Paradar gratias a Dios, Santo Padre.

Almighty, everlasting God,
Todopoderoso, Eterno Dios,

through Christ our Lord.
por medio de Cristo nuestro Senor.

The Institution /La Institution

The Memorial /El Memorial

We shall do as our Lord commands. We proclaim that our Lord Jesus was sent by the Father into the world, that he took upon himself our flesh and blood and bore the wrath of God on the cross for us. We confess that he was condemned to die that we might be pardoned and suffered death that we might live. We proclaim that he is risen to make us right with God and that he shall come again in the glory of his new creation. This we do now and until he comes again.
Haremos como nuestro Senor mande. Proclamamos que Nuestro Senor Jesucristo fue enviado por el Padre al mundo, que tomd sobre si mistno nuestra came y sangre, y soportd la ira de Dios contra nuestro pecado. Confesamos que fue condenado para morirpara que nosotros pudieramos ser perdonados, y sufrio la muertepara que nosotros pudieramos vivir. Proclamanos que el ha resucitado para justificarnos con Dios, y que vendrd en la gloria de su nueva creation. Esto que hacemos hoy, lo haremos hasta que el venga de nuevo.

Prayer of Consecration /La Oratcion de Consagracion.

(The minister will lead the prayer in Spanish; a translation of his words follows.)

Heavenly Father, show forth among us
the presence of your Holy Spirit,
to sanctify us and these elements in
this sacrament. Grant that all who
share the body and blood of our
Savior Jesus Christ may be made
one in him and remain faithful in
hope and love.

Preparation of the Elements /La Preparation de los Elementos

The bread which we break is a
sharing in the body of Christ.

We who are many are one body, for
we all share the same loaf.

The cup for which we give thanks is
a sharing in the blood of Christ.

The cup which we drink is our
participation in the blood of Christ.

The Invitation /La Invitation

The Communion /La Comunion

The body of Christ given for you.
El cuerpo de Cristo dado para ti.

The blood of Christ given for you.
La sangre de Cristo derramada para ti.

The Thanksgiving /La Accion de Gracias

*Hymn - " I Will Exalt My God, My King/Te Exaltare, Mi Dios, Mi Rey" (PH 186)

The Benediction /La Benedicion

Peace be with you, brothers and
sisters, and love with faith, from
God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.
Que la paz sea con ustedes, hermanos y
hermanas, y amor con fe, de Dios
nuestro Padre, y Jesucristo, nuestro Senor.

Amen! Amen!


This liturgy was used in a joint worship service of the Iglesia Hispana and the 14th Street CRC in Holland, Michigan.

All hymns in this service were taken from the Psalter Hymnal (PH).

Reformed Worship 15 © March 1990, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.