Updated February, 2025
The following music is appropriate for use in the worship service during the Advent, Christmas, or Epiphany season. The list includes music used with the children in our church school music program over the past several years. Those titles with a star (*) were used in the 1987 candlelight service. All music is sung in unison with piano accompaniment. Optional two parts, descants, or instruments are indicated below.
*Light One Candle (in Sunday Songbook) Hinshaw HMB-102 |
Sleeth |
O Come, O Come, Immanuel unison/descant, Choristers Guild |
Sleeth |
Prepare the Way in Song List Augsburg 11-9194 |
Leaf |
We Look for the Star Choristers Guild CGA216 |
Hopson |
*Away in a Manger in Festive Hymns with Descants Augsburg 11-9181 |
Pooler |
in The Holy Child Dordt College 7000 |
Grotenhuis |
*Birthday of a King, The G. Schirmer |
Neidlinger |
*Born Today Belwin Mills SCHCH 2587, (S/SA) |
Eilers |
Come Run, Ye Shepherds Choristers Guild R-41 |
Poff |
Emmanuel, Emmanuel Sing and Celebrate for Kids I Word 37772 |
Brown |
For unto Us a Child Is Born AMS196-2742 (S/SA) |
Sleeth |
Gifts, The Studio Publications/Recordings |
Wilson |
Good News Laudamus Hinshaw HBM 126 |
Sleeth |
Infant Holy Concordia 98-2476 |
Beck |
Lowly Little Jesus, The Sing! Jesus Christ Is Born! WORD, Inc. 20050 |
Hallett |
*Once in Royal David's City in Children's Hymnbook, Eerdmans or Preston Flammer, Inc. E-5183 (S/SA) |
Gauntlett |
On Christmas Day in the Morning in Sing! Jesus Christ Is Born! Word Pub. 20050 |
Hallett |
Only a Baby Came in Laudamus Hinshaw HBM 126 |
Sleeth |
Shepherds, Play Your Melody Choristers Guild A-77 (SS/ recorders) |
Page |
That Boy-Child of Mary in Psalter Hymnal, 1987 CRC Publications |
Colvin |
Tiny King Schmitt Music Center-240 (S/SSA) |
Eilers |
*Were You There on That Christmas Night? Hope Publishing Company CF190 (S/SA) |
Sleeth |
What Can I Give Him in Children's Hymnbook, Eerdmans |
Hoist |
*What Is This I See? in Folk Hymnal for the Now Generation Zondervan |
Johnson |
*You Are the King of Glory in Spirit of Praise, ed. Lamont WORD, Inc. 30/10022360 |
Ford |
Light of the World in The Mountain Song Broadman 4516-13 |
Lee |
You and I in Sunday Songbook Hinshaw HBM 102 |
Sleeth |