
Happy and Thankful

In RW 4, we included the Japanese hymn "Here, O Lord, Your Servants Gather" as one of the Hymns of the Month. Although the copyright holder granted us permission to use the hymn, we recently also received a letter from the author himself. We thought RW readers would enjoy a glimpse of the delightful side of the copyright negotiations we encountered when corresponding for permissions for the Psalter Hymnal.

I am very glad to read your report for the production of the Psalter Hymnal. I am expecting it to be a brilliant one done to the glory of God. Now I want nothing because "I have all, and abound," but only hope to be given the Psalter Hymnal.

The day July 13, 1988, is my birthday memorial of 88th. The 88 years old is congratulated in Japanese manner. In March, 1988, my theological study books are going to be issued by a publisher in Tokyo.

On the other hand, in America you have decided to issue the Psalter Hymnal in which my poem appears. And so, I am very glad and happy and thankful, and hoping to receive in my hand the hymnal book from your hand.

Since 7 years I have been retired and titled the Honorable Minister of the Toyohash Church. Excuse me the broken English letter!

Tokuo Yamaguchi

RW Conference Kudos

There are so many parts of the conference that stand out vividly in my memory, and they probably will for some time to come.

The joy with which we sang the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs still rings in my ears. The diverse ethnic representation brought a richness and unity in that we all truly can be one in the Lord.

Charlotte Larsen
Ann Arbor, MI

The singing of the psalms and hymns we've worked with so long simply overwhelmed me, left me emotionally drained, crying from happiness at how glorious sung praise can be. Meeting people from everywhere who intend to break the book like bread to God's people was a rich reward.

Calvin Seerveld
Toronto, ON

You should print many extra handouts for each session. Lots of people would like copies for sessions they could not attend, as these lists of music and suggestions are concrete helps people can take back to their churehes. Dale Topp's session was very informative with lots of good ideas to try with our children. The liturgical dance was the high point of the conference for me. It was tremendously moving and worshipful.

Dorothy Frisch
Minneapolis, MN

Reformed Worship 9 © September 1988, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.