

October 1,1988, Ancaster, ON
Conference on Liturgy and Music at Redeemer College. Contact: Dr. Bert Polman, Music Department, Redeemer College, Ancaster, ON L9G 3N6.

October 8,1988, Holland, MI
Conference on Liturgy and Music. Sponsored by Holland-area Christian Reformed Churches and CRC Publications. Contact: Mrs. Marcia Smits, 545 Central Ave., Holland, MI 49423; (616) 396-7091.

October 13-15,1988, Iowa City, Iowa
Church Music Conference, with Brian Wren and William Rowan. Contact: Organ Department, School of Music, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242; (319) 335-1603, 335-1629, 335-1630.

October 28-29, Orlando, FL
Music and Worship Conference. Cosponsored by Great Commission Publications and the PCA. Contact: CE Committee, 7401 Old York Road, Philadelphia, PA 19126

October 29,1988, Chicago, IL
Conference on Liturgy and Music at Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Oak Lawn; sponsored by Trinity Christian College. Contact: Mrs. Helen Van Wyke, Music Department, Trinity Christian College, 6601 W. College Dr., Palos Heights, IL 60463; (312) 597-3000.

Worship Resource File

Reformed Worship readers are invited to contribute to and use our newest worship resource, a file of sample liturgies and special services. You are encouraged to send:

—services of commissioning
—prayer services
—mission emphasis or evangelism emphasis services
—services to mark special liturgical days or seasons
—anniversary or dedication services
—services, covering the lectionary, Heidelberg Catechism or those including The Contemporary Testimony
—hymn festivals
—special bulletins; information on banner designs and other art work.

We will review all submissions and make copies of selected materials available upon request. Please send all items to

Office of Music and Liturgy
CRC Publications
2850 Kalamazoo SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49560

Report on July Liturgy and Music Conference

Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, was the setting for the music and liturgy conference (July 12—15) sponsored jointly by Reformed Worship and the Calvin College Music Department. The conference, which focused on introducing and celebrating the new Psalter Hymnal, offered sectionals in many areas of worship planning, preaching, organ and choral music, bell ringing, and children in worship.

Five hundred worship leaders came from twenty-three states and four Canadian provinces. They came to sing together from the new Psalter Hymnal—both in morning worship services and in public evening events. The leaders attended workshops on a variety of topics. They had the opportunity to reflect, to study, to rejoice, and to exalt God together.

Most of the attenders were Christian Reformed, with a sprinkling of representatives from other denominations: Presbyterian (8), Reformed Church in America (7), Lutherans (4), Anglican, Episcopal, Roman Catholic, United Church of Christ, and United Methodist.

New Organ Music Resource

A major new resource for both the Psalter Hymnal and Rejoice in the Lord was released in July 1988. Prepared by Dr. Joan Ringerwole, this seventy-seven page Bibliography of Organ Music Based on Tunes in the Psalter Hymnal and Rejoice in the Lord is available from CRC Publications for $10.00.

Organ Resource Centre

The Royal Canadian College of Organists (RCCO) has established an Organ Resource Centre to aid churches throughout North America in selecting and purchasing organs. Essentially, the centre is a library of information regarding every topic associated with the church organ selection process, including acoustics, organ planning for architects, organ care and maintenance, how to "test" an organ, and many others.

The RCCO has collected and catalogued articles, books, and pamphlets from all over the world. The centre now makes these resources available to the public from one central location. For more information, contact Ms. Lori Klingbeil, ORC Chairman, The Royal Canadian College of Organists, 515 McLeod Building, 10136 - 100 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J, OP1

Hymn Society of America

Congratulations to Emily Brink, Reformed Worship editor, who was voted president-elect of the Hymn Society of America in June. Brink will become president in 1990 for a two-year term.

The Hymn Society, a group of about three thousand pastors, musicians, hymn writers, editors, and scholars, will hold its next national conference at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, next summer (July 9-12,1989). For more information, write The Hymn Society of America, Box 30854, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 76129.


In Reformed Worship 8 we neglected to credit David Hoekema for his photographs of the Taize community ("A Visit to Taize," pp. 26—31).

Reformed Worship 9 © September 1988, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.