Amazing Love

Series for the Season, an innovative Advent series based on Hosea

Updated February 2025

In past years Reformed Worship has offered churches a series of Advent resources that have often been based on Scripture lessons outlined by the Revised Common Lectionary. This year the resources take a different, though related, direction. Each year the lectionary follows a different gospel more or less sequentially. The gospels of Matthew and Luke (Years A and C respectively) contain enough narrative about Jesus’ birth or early life to make the direct focus on Jesus every week in Advent preaching natural and relatively easy. Advent 1999—Year B—uses Mark, the gospel that contains nothing from the early years of Jesus’ life, heading directly into the temptation and baptism.

This presents no problem for preaching, since the gospel appears in some form throughout all of the Scriptures. Yet on its own Mark does not make for natural Advent preaching. So for worship planning this year, RW is offering an Advent series that uses preaching texts from the Old Testament prophet Hosea. To a significant extent the suggested services incorporate lectionary sources from Year B for calls to worship, confessions, or praise readings. It is also possible at times throughout Advent to incorporate readings from Year B’s Christmas vigil, particularly if your congregation does not hold a service using those lectionary readings. Such selections would give early exposure to readings pertaining to Christ’s coming in the weeks of Advent. (Non-lectionary suggestions for calls to worship or confession are also included and may or may not be used at the discretion of worship planners.)

The daily HomeLink meditations (see p. 4) offered by CRC Publications for family Advent devotions are also based on the Hosea and lectionary passages used in worship planning. Again, the intention is to encourage families or individuals to focus during the week’s devotions on passages that will figure significantly in Advent worship services.

A Look at Hosea

Hosea is not a Bible book that springs quickly to mind for Advent worship and preaching. Yet when we remember the story of salvation, this book of prophecy becomes more accessible. Because the theme of Hosea is that of a lost people being found, of a people being named and claimed again by God, Hosea is an unusual but fitting Advent preaching text. That theme finds graphic and moving expression in the alternately tragic and hopeful autobiography of Hosea, parts of which form the framework for the entire book.

Historically God “came down” in the person of Jesus. But God first “came down” in partial, anticipatory ways when God’s people were given a future and a land. Later they were warned, encouraged, warned again, punished, forgiven, and freed. Today, while we wait for Christ to “come down” again, God’s salvation happens in partial and anticipatory ways—when God’s creatures realize we are valuable in God’s sight, when people come to know Christ spiritually and personally, when we learn to appreciate and care for each other. When such things occur in human life, then people are living in small but visible and concrete ways that reflect God’s boundless love, grace, and mercy. In other words, God wraps us in perfect goodness, no matter how poorly and imperfectly we wear that marvelous clothing.

The readings for the worship services and sermon themes from the book of Hosea have been selected not in the order of the book’s writings, but by theme. Thus, the readings jump around, attempting to capture a thematic rhythm. That rhythm starts with loss of identity and purpose, accompanied by existential agony. Eventually, through God’s persistent intervention, God’s people begin to recover in their personal and communal lives and even show hints of wholeness.

Perhaps a preacher might not resonate to the sermon notes that accompany each week’s suggested worship plan. That doesn’t mean that you can’t use the book of Hosea for Advent. I’ve picked only four passages from Hosea and preached on those. If you are not grabbed by my suggestions, read the entire book, discovering your own themes from Hosea’s gripping words and autobiography.

The suggested preaching passages from Hosea are graphic, showing in experiences of broken human life how God has closely tied himself to humanity. What people do matters to God. God responds. In the writings of Hosea, God responds by inspiring Hosea to live and write, using parts of his own sad family and marital history. There is nothing closer to us than our names, our families—perhaps even more so if we have suffered brokenness in our personal and family relationships.

Preparing the Congregation for an Advent Series on Hosea
Before actually deciding to use Hosea and produce accompanying banners and bulletin covers for Advent, our worship committee discussed the basic ideas of the sermons and services. Encouraging conversation between the worship committee, council, and congregation is an important step in developing real worship and avoiding unsettling battles at a time of the year when we celebrate the coming of the Prince of Peace.

Hope Christian Reformed Church is a congregation that is not highly trained in the visual arts nor, by extension, in the frequent and intentional use of art in worship. I suspect that Hope is not unusual in this regard and may even be rather typical of many congregations. Thus, we needed to create a context in which to use art effectively for the blessing of God’s people and, we pray, for God’s approval.

For the Advent series on Hosea, I sketched theme ideas and discussed them with the worship committee. In turn, the worship committee presented the basic ideas for preaching passages and themes, banners, and bulletin covers to the council a couple of months in advance. Council approved the plans in principal and urged the worship committee to provide a fitting explanation for the planned Advent worship and preaching.

Even though our congregation was prepared a week in advance of the first Sunday of Advent and introduced to the preaching theme via weekly bulletin announcements, the impact of the banners and bulletin covers was profound. I shall never forget the hush with which people entered the worship area upon seeing the banner for that Sunday hanging immediately to the left of the large cross. Astonished murmurs of surprise and expectation followed. “What does this have to do with Advent?” The reactions were to be expected. One council member had not wished to approve the worship themes precisely because at first, they appeared so jarring and unlike Christmas.

And that is exactly the point: Worldly Christmases have indeed removed the drama and seriousness of Christ’s salvation from Christmas. But Hosea’s themes of brokenness, infidelity, and human suffering remind us of the depth of God’s commitment to humanity—the vast divine commitment that compels God to rescue wandering and broken people, families, and communities. These are not themes for adults only; they are, however, utterly crucial issues for everyone who hurts or who has ever had to deal with hurt in the context of God’s ever-faithful promises.

Naturally, then, the preaching themes and banners do not always evoke pleasant feelings. That is only fitting—human disobedience and running away from God should not be pleasant and desirable. Yet we must not shy away from such biblical themes, particularly when such bad news can be followed with hope and hints of God’s greatest news in the full-orbed, muscular salvation that Jesus Christ brought and brings!

Perhaps it is helpful to think that by using such banners and preaching and worship themes, the immeasurable grace and mercy of God are given room to grow in our minds, hearts, and imaginations. They can act as a spiritual vaccine. That is, the slight illness a vaccine often causes as part of the physiological process of making a person immune to a fatal illness is much preferable to the often-fatal illness itself—and, in the long run, makes us more appreciative of our health. In analogous fashion, the series of Advent messages on Hosea might remind us (in Heidelberg-Catechism style) that we need to know our sin before we can appreciate our salvation and health.

First Sunday of Advent

God’s Love Rejected

Hosea 1:1-2:1

Song Suggestions for Week One
“My Soul in Stillness Waits” (Text: Psalm 95; tune by Marty Haugen; see p. 26)
Note: Of the various stanzas, choose two or three weekly to tie in with the sermon theme or the candle-lighting ceremony.
“O Come, O Come Emmanuel,”Latin, 12th cent. (stanzas1-3)
“God, Be Merciful to Me” Psalter 1912
“Comfort, Comfort, Now My People”Olearius 
“Hark, the Glad Sound! The Savior Comes”Doddridge
“My Lord, I Did Not Choose You”Conder 
“Lord of All Hopefulness”Struther 

Call to Worship: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 or Psalm 122:1-2

Call to Confession: Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 or

Advent Litany of Confession: (based on Psalm 25:1-10)

In this Advent season of waiting on the Lord,
we trust the Lord’s goodness. We rely on God’s mercy. We find shelter in God’s steadfast love.

In this Advent season of waiting on the Lord,
we walk in the Lord’s way. We follow God’s example of love. We keep our covenant promises.

In this Advent season of waiting,
Lord, forget our sins. Remember your love. Remember each one of us. Remember your people everywhere.

In this Advent season of waiting,
Lord, we wait for your salvation. We wait for your leading. We wait for your coming.

Prayer of Confession: (based on Psalm 25:11-22)
O Lord, forgive our sins, even though they are great. We come before you, knowing that we have failed to follow you. Lord, turn to us and be gracious to us, for without you we are lonely and distressed. We look to you for refuge, because our hope is in you.

Lighting the Advent Wreath

Child: Why do we light the first Advent candle?

Parent: We light one candle today because this candle represents our time of waiting for the coming Savior. This first candle reminds us of the light of hope that the prophets promised to us in the Old Testament. Each Sunday in Advent we will light one more candle as the promise unfolds.

Child: Who will bring this light of hope to the world?

Parent: Jesus is coming! The promise of the prophets is coming true. Jesus, the light of the world, has come to earth and will come again.

Advent Candle Song: “Light One Candle” (by Natalie Sleeth, as found in her Sunday Songbook or in a two-part arrangement, both published by Hinshaw Music, Inc.), stanza 1
Note: This song is best used by adding one stanza each week and adapting the music where needed to end appropriately.

Sermon Helps: “God’s Love Rejected”
This sermon began with an illustration that attempted to evoke a sense of the vastness of the universe by describing what some writers have called “millions of sheets of galaxies layered one on top of the other.” Such sheets of galaxies are “hundreds of thousands of light years thick.” Christian belief says that the God who created sheets of galaxies is also intimately involved in the lives and history of human beings.

That took us to one of those people, God’s prophet Hosea. Hosea took God’s disturbing message of Israel’s relationship with God as the motif of his marriage to the prostitute Gomer. Through marriage Hosea rescued Gomer from the streets, as God rescued (“elected”) Israel from a rebellious humanity. But Gomer returned to the streets, as Israel turned its back on God. The meanings of the sad names of Hosea and Gomer’s first two children emphasize God’s emotional and spiritual involvement with his people. God is not distant. God grieves, as does his servant Hosea. God is angry, as Hosea is angry.

This provided opportunities to identify with ways God’s people today often lessen their devotion to God, throwing their wedding rings off and grieving the abandoned spouse. Yet the rest of the message is that God invites his people back—changing their names and their lives.


May our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father and God’s Spirit, who have given us such encouragement and bright hope, strengthen us in every good word and deed.

Lord, fill us with hope, enlarge our vision that we may trust and reflect your promises. Immanuel, come quickly.

Second Sunday of Advent

All in the Family

Hosea 11

Song Suggestions for Week Two
“My Soul in Stillness Waits”Haugen
“How Bright Appears the Morning Star”Nicolai 
“My Faith Looks Up to Thee”Palmer
“Comfort, Comfort, Now My People”Olearius
“Our God Reigns”Smith 
“Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”Moultrie 
“Joy to the World”Watts 

Call to Worship: Mark 1:1-8 or Psalm 24:7-10

Call to Confession: Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13

Prayer of Confession
Lord, we confess that sometimes we do not feel your presence. We often live in distress and sorrow.

O Lord, let your face shine on us again. Show your might and deliver us from evil, that we may experience your peace. Amen.

Lighting the Advent Wreath
Child: Why do we light this second Advent candle?

Parent: We light two candles today because the second candle points to the peace that God gave to us through Jesus.

Child: Why do we light one more candle each Sunday in Advent?

Parent: Because Jesus is coming again. Because light gradually pushes out darkness. Jesus, the light of the world has come to earth and will come again.

Advent Candle Song: “Light One Candle,” stanzas 1 and 2

Sermon Helps: “All in the Family”
This sermon opened with a true story of grieving parents who had raised their children lovingly, devotedly. Of the children, two ran off—hence the banner image—and broke contact with the family. Already suffering greatly, the parents’ devastation grew when one child died violently, and his body was never discovered.

That story provided the link to God’s reminiscences in Hosea 11 about how God had cared for his children Israel, “teaching Ephraim to walk.” It gave ample room to review briefly God’s history with Israel—this time not in terms of a spouse, as in Hosea 1, but in terms of parents—thus the major difference from the sermon of the first Sunday in Advent.

Parents do a lot of laughing as they teach their kids to walk, watching them tumble and get up. They also do a lot of rescuing. I recalled one occasion when my father pulled me from deep water. God did a lot of rescuing of his children—quails, manna, judges, and more. Kids rarely realize how deeply devoted parents are involved in their lives until they bear their own children.

Though homiletically risky, this passage provides a way that is scripturally faithful to portray God’s profound emotional and spiritual devotion to his children. Preachers might as well make the risky leap to get that across; we’re only trying to retell what God has told and lived.

While potentially a thoroughly dark sermon, this passage ends with an image of the lion-strong God roaring to call his children back. That is powerful mercy. The sermon too should end with a reminder of God’s faithful suffering and unexpected power. God is like a father whose son cracks up the car for the third time and is terribly injured in the accident; the father cries over the boy’s hospital bed in a combination of rejection, pain, and endless love. “Son, I begged you to drive carefully. Look what you’ve done to yourself. I don’t know now if you’ll ever walk again, much less drive. But I’m here anyway.” God’s presence is exactly what Advent recalls and promises.


As we anticipate Jesus’ birth with great excitement, may we also find peace in the knowledge of Christ’s salvation, who was the shepherd of his people Israel.

Lord, shine in our hearts and lives, lead us in our way, and guide us in our walk. In this Advent season, we stand on tiptoe, awaiting your coming. Immanuel, invade our lives.

In the name of Christ, whose birth we remember, whose coming we await, go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Third Sunday of Advent

A Second Honeymoon

Hosea 3

Song Suggestions for Week Three
“My Soul in Stillness Waits” Haugen
“Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus”Wesley 
“Lord, I Pray”Keegstra- De Boer 
“Comfort, Comfort, Now My People”Olearius
“Angels from the Realms of Glory”Montgomery 
“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”Wesley 

Call to Worship: Psalm 126 or the following reading based on Isaiah 40:3-5.

Prepare the way for the Lord.
Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low.
Crooked roads will become straight, the rough ways smooth.
All the people will see God’s salvation.

Prayer of Confession

Lord, we confess that so often we have not shared the love that you gave us through Jesus.

O Lord, grant us a loving spirit. Fill us with abundance and teach us to share your love with others.

Lighting the Advent Wreath
Child: What does this third Advent candle mean?

Parent: We light three candles today because the third candle means love, which God gave to us through Jesus. Jesus’ birth and the coming of God’s love was first told to Mary and has since been spread through all the world. We too must share Jesus’ love with each other.

Child: Why do we light one more candle each Sunday in Advent?

Parent: Because Jesus is coming again. Because as light gradually pushes out darkness, love gradually pushes out hate. Jesus, the light of the world has come to earth and will come again.

Advent Candle Song: “Light One Candle,” stanzas 1-3

Sermon Helps: “God’s Love Returned: The Second Honeymoon”
The theme of Hosea 3 returned us to the marriage motif. This very brief chapter recalls the conditions of reconciliation between Hosea and Gomer—in other words, between God and his “spouse” Israel.

Both for review purposes and because the vein of marriage issues is so rich to mine, this passage provided an opportunity to explore ways that we break our vows with God. The emphasis in this sermon differed significantly from that of the first Sunday in Advent by looking beyond individual examples of unfaithfulness to broader societal issues. Imagine, for example, how an invisible God feels when we ignore him in our age of visible technology and power, in an age of powerful laptops and one hundred channels. We often are tempted to think God is not much of a god.

In such a situation of betrayal and abandonment, though, God doesn’t let things lie. God’s Word comes again, as in the living parable of Hosea and Gomer’s marriage. Hosea takes the first step towards reconciliation—as God does with erring people at any time, as God did with Israel in her history, time and again.

Here the compelling image of a second honeymoon—both from the bulletin cover/banner and in a description—can show ways to keep our relationship with God in shape. Good and honorable relationships in life can grow from that root. For a relationship to revive or grow in a place where there’s deep betrayal or merely normal daily friction—be that a marriage, a friendship, a church, a committee, a business, or a job—somebody has to make the start. God did and does that in history, in Christ, so people can do that on a human scale.


Peace to all, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord, send the living waters of your Spirit to enliven us, to bring forth new love and life. Immanuel, come quickly.

In the name of Christ, whose birth we remember, whose coming we await, go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Fourth Sunday in Advent

Flourish Like Grain

Hosea 14; John 12:23-26

Song Suggestions for Week Four
“My Soul in Stillness Waits”Haugen
“Change My Heart, O God”Espinosa
“Savior of the Nations, Come,”Luther 
“Breathe on Me, Breath of God”Hatch 
“O Christians, Haste”Thomson
“To God Be the Glory”Mills 

Call to Worship
From Scripture: Psalm 96

In Song: “Humble Thyself in the Sight of the Lord” Maranatha! Praise Chorus Book 3 66

Lighting the Advent Wreath
Child: Why do we light four candles today?

Parent: We light four candles today because today is the shortest, darkest day of the year. We need more light today than ever.

Child: I remember too that Jesus is the light of the world.

Parent: Every candle we light reminds us that the light of Jesus pushes darkness away from our lives and God’s world.

Advent Candle Song: “Light One Candle,” stanzas 1-4

Sermon Helps: “Flourish Like Grain”
The final Advent sermon before the Christmas celebration is based on the surprisingly joyful and hopeful chapter 14. Replete with images of growth and blossoming, this passage must surely have seemed unrealistic during Assyria’s great threat to Israel’s territory and sovereignty. And, in fact, Israel did succumb to Assyria’s conquest. So then, where were hope and joy?

This passage reminds God’s people not to place hope in human might as Israel had done by trying alliances with Egypt, even with Assyria itself. (Psalm 146 would surely be a fitting reference somewhere in this service, perhaps as a reading immediately following the sermon.) Instead, God promises to change the definition of prosperity and security. Love and forgiveness will replace superiority and power politics.

Two images from the Scripture passages can be used in this sermon for vivid communication of Christian truth. From Hosea 14 comes the image of “dew to Israel.” In that arid land, the dew would at rare times be so heavy that it would provide enough moisture for growth. That is, int he most unlikely place and time, God’s love, blessing, and power can take root and flourish. Yet the second image from John 12 of the seed dying turns human attention to Christ—who flourished by dying, who turned human power upside down.

Thus in Advent and at Christmas, which is the time of God’s “coming down,” God’s people also must look forward to Good Friday, to the death of God’s Son and Seed, and to Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus sacrificed himself—but in dying brought new life. God’s people can sacrifice themselves by bringing hope and life to hopeless refugees, by waiting for wayward children. Or, to return to the guiding image of Hosea, a closing example can be made of a spouse sacrificing herself or himself, waiting beyond human endurance for the other to return.   

Drama idea: “Gomer”
In a sassy yet tender manner, Hosea’s harlot wife Gomer talks about the crazy prophet who married her, gave strange names to her babies, and bought her back again after she’d left him, thus leading her to his God. “Gomer” is a 10–15-minute monologue found in Searching for Shalom: Resources for Creative Worship by Ann Weems (Westminster/John Knox Press, 1991). “O My People, Turn to Me”Post (PsH 200) is a fitting song after the drama.

Explanation of Worship Bulletin covers/Banners
Our imaginations should be stirred by reading and meditating on ancient texts taken from Israel’s history—in this case the book of Hosea. Perhaps contemporary graphic art can help to open our spiritual eyes and ears and senses to how God remains involved with the world and its people still today. Thus, the suggestions and guidelines for Advent worship services are accompanied by bulletin covers that include the art that the worship committee of Hope Christian Reformed Church, Thunder Bay, Ontario, used as it developed these services in Advent1997.

In order to grasp some of the powerful, unsettling images used by Hosea, the pictures are intentionally stark in their style. When we transformed them into banners we used heavy linens, harsh expressions. These banners were the product of several conversations with Hope CRC member Daniel DePeuter, then a nineteen-year-old art student at ThunderBay’s Lakehead University. Daniel and I went through the planned preaching passages some weeks before the start of Advent. We discussed the themes and possible images that could express the theme faithfully, simply, yet (we hoped) memorably.

Daniel then drew several sketches, and together he and I decided which would be used each week. That original sketch was photocopied for use as a bulletin cover. Daniel and his mother, Ena DePeuter, later transferred the small sketch to a full banner-sized piece of muslin. Already the first week they decided that the banner presentation would be more vivid and effective if the banners were finished in a few colors painted on the muslin. The bulletin covers remained black and white.

Factors that are always important to consider in worship planning are the cost and use of resources. As you can tell from the description of the banner- and bulletin-making processes, we used a minimum of money and materials creating these visuals for Advent. Tempera paints are in expensive, and the muslin itself is reuseable; because it accepts (up to a certain limit) a number of coats of paint, it can be used in other seasons to produce completely different banners. And that’s what we did. Due to the nature of Hosea’s message, I knew it would be unlikely that our congregation would use that book anytime soon during another Advent. So now, two years after they were used, the original banner shave been painted over and used in different worship planning projects.

Additional Resources

Should you decide to use or adapt these worship services and themes from Hosea for Advent, you may well be interested in consulting a couple of commentaries that I have found helpful on Hosea.

The Interpretation series is geared particularly toward preaching and preachers. The volume by James Limburg on Hosea (Hosea-Micah: Interpretation—A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching, Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1988) offers sterling, sometimes technical, scholarship for background textual understanding. At the same time it embraces the text itself and stimulates life-connected preaching themes.

A much older work, Love’s Complaint (translated by Theodore Plantinga, Paideia Press, St. Catharine's, Ontario, 1988), by Dutch pastor-theologian Herman Veldkamp, provides a book-long series of meditations on Hosea. Those meditations are typical of the warm, yet tough, realistic and spiritually disciplined insights from God’s Word that have marked preachers of the Reformed tradition.

Reformed Worship 53 © September 1999, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.