Worshiptogether.com: Rock music for church from the revival generation

The marriage of rock music and church music has often been, well, rocky. Just think of the Catholic priest in the 1960s who changed the lyrics of Beatles songs to reflect a Christian message. Unfortunately, songs like “I Want to Hold His Hand” did little more than show that the church was desperate to try anything to reach young people.

Now the tables have turned. Baby Boomers worked hard—and, many would argue, successfully—to bring contemporary musical styles into the sanctuary. Today’s young people, on the other hand, aware of the church’s loss of cultural power and the need in a post-modern world to be more explicitly evangelistic, want not so much to bring rock music to church as to bring church to rock music.

Representative of this effort are singers and songwriters like Martin Smith and Delirious, Matt Redman, Charlie Hall, and others who call themselves the “Revival Generation.” These artists are grouped under the marketing label “Worshiptogether”; their website is www.worshiptogether.com

The day I logged onto the Worshiptogether website the first thing I noticed was a picture of a young woman with her hair in pigtails wearing a tank top and jeans. There is nothing sexual about the picture. She’s on her knees, looking up with her arms outstretched in a posture of prayerful surrender. This picture illustrates much of what Worshiptogether is trying to promote—significant worship experiences for young people, experiences marked by informality, authenticity, and passion.

The website serves primarily as a marketing tool to sell CDs, songbooks, and sheet music, but there’s much more here: free Bible study materials, articles on a variety of subjects, and information on worship center conferences. While you browse the site, you can listen to a selection of songs from their catalog on “WT Radio.”

The site also offers the Solero Music Viewer. SMV is a free downloadable program that allows you to view and print music available for purchase from the site. The program allows you to play the music with MIDI voices, to vary the tempo or transpose the piece at the

Today’s young people want not so much to bring rock music to church as to bring church to rock music.

Not Your Typical Praise Songs

These songs are different from typical contemporary praise and worship songs in a few ways. First, these tend to be guitar-driven as opposed to keyboard-driven. For example, "Better Is One Day"-- a wonderful gathering song based on Psalm 84-- is written with a specific guitar figure in mind. The acoustic guitar is played in a way that allows the top two strings to ring open for most of the song. It's almost impossible to translate the feel of this technique to the piano. 

Second, the poetry of these songs is sometimes quite diffuse. But that porousness allows worshipers to fill in the general images with their own life stories.

Finally, these songs usually have a cyclical structure, a feature they share in common with rock and folk music rather than with strophic hymns. Played by a full band theme with all its textures, a simple theme repeated again and again can be quite powerful. For example, the very popular "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever" features an infectious chorus with simple lyrics that invites group singing. The stanzas are more difficult, and the lyrics are a bit obscure. But the song perfectly captures the earnest desire of young people to worship with abandon. The danger, of course, is the temptation for worship leaders to repeat the powerful chorus a few too many times, until it seems as if the song goes on forever. 

Speaking of temptations for worship leaders, Matt Redman's "The Heart of Worship" is a delicate song that serves as a confessional for worship leaders who may have lost their focus. The problem with using it in corporate worship is that while the lyrics indicate that worship is "all about you, Jesus," when sung by a soloist it puts the focus clearly on the singer, a situation that defeats the point. 

Don't let the potential pitfalls keep you from exploring some of these wonderful songs. Presenting them to your congregation will take care and planning, but they can add a wonderful dimension to worship. One convenient place to hear some of the best of these new songs is on the two-CD-compilation from the Worship Together called I Could Sing of Your Love Forever: 25 Modern Worship Songs for a New Generation. Go head. Try it!

Robert (rkeeley@calvin.edu) and Laura (laurakeeley337@gmail.com) Keeley are codirectors of children’s ministries at Fourteenth Street Christian Reformed Church, Holland, Michigan. Robert is also a professor of education at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Reformed Worship 61 © September 2001, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. Used by permission.