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February 28, 2022

A Prayer for Ukraine

As conflict escalates in this country, consider using this prayer on Sunday to pray for peace for our brothers and sisters around the world. In the midst of war and conflict, we join our voices as one to pray for one of our own and for many of God's own.

Heavenly Father, we come to you with heavy hearts as we see movements toward war in Ukraine. We pray that you would be merciful on the people of Ukraine and Russia and prevent this war. Grant wisdom to world leaders to effectively stop evil. Allow for the truth to be known, for lies to be shown for what they are, and for evil-doers to be thwarted.

Lord, we pray for those who have already lost loved ones, homes, and livelihoods. Comfort and provide for the needs of those who have been displaced. Lord, we ask for mercy and we seek justice. We pray that you would be at worked in both.

We pray for the day when all wars will cease and when your peaceful reign will come fully. But in the meantime, we pray that you would use us to facilitate the coming of your kingdom here and now. Help us to take action to bring peace, to care for the victims of war, and to work for justice. Help us to live according to the principles of your Kingdom today, and to remain faithful until your Kingdom comes fully at your return. Grant courage to your church in Russia, in Ukraine, and here to speak truth to power and to prophetically proclaim the truths of your Kingdom as well as the day of grace that still remains for those who repent.

Lord, we pray for Vladimir Putin. We pray that you would change his heart and work your miracle of salvation in his life. If he continues in his wicked ways, we pray that you would restrain his evil and have mercy on those who suffer because of it.

In all these things, we trust you, because you are our loving Father. We ask that you would keep us faithful by the power of your Spirit and that you would be with your church in Ukraine — that in times of war it would faithfully follow you and represent you before the nations. Heal the wounds, we pray, both physical and the wounds of the heart. Reconcile the nations with you and with each other by the power of the cross of our reigning Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.

Rev. George de Vuyst and family served in Ukraine until 2021. They are currently working from Grand Rapids, Michigan with plans to return to Europe next fall. Through immersive workshops called “Healing Hearts, Transforming Nations,” George trains pastors, facilitates reconciliation, and equips others to do the same.