
four-part image showing palm branches, communion elements, crown of thorns, and cross
February 6, 2024

Worship Resources for Holy Week and Easter

Updated March, 2025

As you plan for Holy Week and Easter services, consider adapting one of the following resources for your own context. Resources marked with an *asterisk are only available to subscribers to Reformed Worship’s print journal or digital library. To subscribe go to:

For resources related to the Revised Common Lectionary readings, see Lectionary Year C

If you are looking for Ash Wednesday and general Lent resources, check out this blog

Resources at and in our print/digital edition are free to use in worship contexts with acknowledgement. For more specific guidelines see 

Palm/Passion Sunday

*Having the Identity of a Servant: Palm/Passion Sunday by Joyce Borger and Bethany Besteman

The King of Creation in the Gardens of Redemption by Verlan Van Ee

A New Commandment: A Service for Palm/Passion Sunday by Susan Woodhouse and Christine Jerrett

The King of Glory Comes: Resources for Palm/Passion Sunday

The Story of Holy Week through Scripture and Song by Constance Cherry

Walking with Jesus through Holy Week: A Palm Sunday Service by Thomas J. Vos

“Who Do You See?” A Reader’s Theater Based on Matthew 21 by Valerie Van Kooten

Sunday Morning Live: A Palm Sunday Drama by Ron Vanden Burg

and more

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday by David J. Diephouse

*Palms to Passion: Reflection through Scripture and Song for Holy Week by Jan Van Kooten

Reliving the Passion in the Gospel of Mark: A Maundy Thursday Service by Mike Abma

Liturgical Footwashing by Lyn Reith

Washing Before Eating: A Maundy Thursday service by Ruth Hofman

Nearer, My God to Thee” A Tenebrae Service by Bethany Besteman

and more

Good Friday

*Were You There? A Good Friday Service of Readings and Song by Marion Van Driel

Becoming the Way: A Good Friday Service Based on Jesus’ ‘I Am’ Statements by Lee Fennema

Recalling the Seven Last Words of Christ by Norman D. Palsma

And There Was Darkness: A solemn service for Good Friday by John C. Bush

Jesus, Remember Me: A Taize Service for Good Friday by Thomas J. Kok, Katheryn Van Eck

The Way of the Cross: A Service for Good Friday by Mari Broman Olsen

A Solemn Good Friday Prayer by Chris Schoon

Jesus’ Last Words: A Service of Shadows and Stones by Erica Schemper

and more

Stations of the Cross

The Way of Suffering: Revisiting the Stations of the Cross by Robert E. Webber

Walking the Stations of the Cross: One Congregation’s Journey by Carrie Steenwyk

The Final Hours: Experiencing the Stations of the Cross by Chris Walker

Journey in the Wilderness: An Outdoor Prayer Path by Natasha Vedder

Easter Vigil

Easter Vigil: Resurrecting a Service from the Early Church by Carrie Steenwyk

Waiting the Coming Day: A Service Anticipating the Resurrection Celebration by Norma de Waal Malefyt and John D. Witvliet

and more


Were You There: Dramatic Retelling of the Easter Story by Eugene H. Peterson

Easter Liturgy by Herman Praamsma and Bert Polman

Called to New Life: A Service for Easter by Katheryn Ritsema Roelofs and Meg Jenista Kuykendall

Alleluia! Christ is Risen: An Easter Carol Service with Procession

Telling the Good News: A Children’s Program for Easter by Anita Huizinga

Made New: Ideas for a Series from Easter to Ascension by Tom M. Trinidad

and more