Are you looking for resources for your Ash Wednesday worship and the Sundays of Lent? Whether you are looking for an entire series, a prayer, litany, or other creative idea, Reformed Worship has something for you! Check out just a few of the timeless resources from our archive, available online at
*Items with an asterisk are for subscribers only.
Revised Common Lectionary
See for Reformed Worship resources that correspond to the Revised Common Lectionary texts for Year C.
Ash Wednesday
“From Dust to Life: An Ash Wednesday Service” by Chris Walker
*“Having the Identity of a Servant: Ash Wednesday—Coworkers in Christ,” by Joyce Borger and Bethany Besteman
“An Un-Ash Wednesday” by Bruce Benedict
“Called to Humility and Repentance: An Ash Wednesday service” by Ron Kok
Worship Series for the Season of Lent
“Aliens on the Way: Services for the six Sundays of Lent” by By Marlene Koster and Louis Roossien
“Jesus is Greater: A Lenten Series Based on the Book of Hebrews” by Kyle Haack
“Crown of Thorns, Crown of Glory” by Hebron Christian Reformed Church
*“Having the Identity of a Servant” by Joyce Borger and Bethany Besteman
Visual Ideas
“Painting the Lenten Journey” by Lisle Gwynn
“From Brokenness to Beauty” by Brenda Holtrop
Musical Ideas
“Songs for Lent and Easter” by Emily Brink
“Psalms of Ascent: A Service of Song and Prayer for Lent” By Bruce Benedict and Anna Gabhart
*“Psalms of Healing and Hope for a Troubled World: An Evening Service for Lent with Music from Celtic Psalms” By Kiran Young Wimberly
“Genuine Sorrow...Wholehearted Joy: The why, when, and how of confession” By John Paarlberg (includes elements of confession and assurance for the Sundays of Lent)
And more…
Go to and use the search box to find more resources as well as resources for Holy Week and Easter.