By this author
Worship From the Heart to the Heavens
A Song Service for Use between Ash Wednesday and Ascension Sunday -
Songs for the Ascended Christ and the Descending Spirit
Why This Dark Conspiracy/Psalm 2; Wordless, Ancient Earth’s Foundations; Lord, Fill My Whole Heart with Love; May the Love of the Lord -
Songs for the Christmas Cycle
Psalm 126/When God Restored Our Common Life; In the Heavens There Shone a Star; Psalm 30/I Will Praise You, O God; Psalm 111/The Fear of the Lord -
Wisdom around the World
A New Document for Worship Planners Everywhere -
Songs for Ascension, Pentecost, and Trinity Sunday
God the Spirit Comes to Stay; Come Down, O Love Divine; Bonds of Peace; The Unity of the Spirit; The Church That Is One; Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow -
Framing the Psalms for Singing
Psalm 1: Planted By the Water; Psalm 63: My Soul Thirsts for God; Psalm 131: The Pride from My Heart; Like a Child -
Songs for Ascension, Pentecost, and Justice
Psalm 68: Let God Arise; My Heart Is Filled with Thankfulness; Come, Holy Spirit; In Great Thanksgiving/All Who Are Thirsty -
Songs for Lent and Easter
Jesus Is Lord; Have Mercy on Us, Lord; Don't Be Afraid; Far from Home We Run, Rebellious; Gospel Acclamation: Hallelujah, Hallelujah -
Singing the Psalms Anew
Psalm 78: People of the Lord; Psalm 113: Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Praise the Name of the Lord; Psalm 148: Hallelujah! Sing Praise to Your Creator -
Songs for Baptisms, Professions of Faith, Weddings, and Funerals
All Who Have Been Baptized in Christ Jesus; Psalm 121; God, in the Planning and Purpose of Life; No Saint on Earth Lives Life to Self Alone -
Singing the Gospel During Lent
See Christ, Who on the River's Shore; What Fabled Names from Judah's Past; The Lord Is God, the One and True God; As Moses Raised the Serpent Up -
Songs from Prison
How Many Doors Will Open; For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free!; Till All the Jails Are Empty -
New Lent and Easter Songs from the New Testament
My Elder Son, Go Work Today; Shadows Lengthen into Night; Neither Death, nor Life -
Songs from the Gospels
In Matthew's Gospel There Are Five; Angels in the Field Appear; My Soul Does Magnify the Lord -
Songs of Searching and Salvation
As the Deer Runs to the River; Lord, to Whom Shall We Go; Surely It Is God Who Saves Me -
Advent and Christmas Songs by Keith Getty
Joy Has Dawned; Born Where the Shadows Lie; Imagine; Celtic Christmas Blessing -
Introducing "Sing! A New Creation"
A behind-the-scenes look at shaping a new songbook -
Five Songs, Five Styles
Siyahamba, Psalm 8, O Lord, Our Lord Shout to the Lord, and Go to the World! -
My Soul in Stillness Waits; Psalm 98
Sing a New Song to the Lord; O Gladsome Light; Miren que bueno!/O Look and Wonder -
The More We Get Together
An interview with Jorge Lockward -